"One Life to Live" Recap for Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Arriving home, Rex sees someone sitting on the couch in the dark and thinks it's Gigi. But it's Natalie. Rex complains that his trip to Kentucky was worthless. Kim's friend is another dancer at the Spotted Pony. No connection to Gigi. Rex wonders why Nat is sitting in the dark. Nat tells him Brody proposed, a complete surprise, so she told him she needed to think and that's why she was doing. Rex asks why in the dark; what's wrong.
Is she still in love with John? Nat explains that John couldn't forgive her so she had to move on. Brody is perfect so maybe it doesn't matter if she can never love Brody like she does John. Rex says that Gigi was the love of his life. Even though he was with Adriana when he saw her again, he couldn't stay away from her.
Kim hides the gun in Stacy's room at the hospital, then heads out for a walk. She bumps into Cutter in the hall. Cutter knows she took the gun and plans to blackmail Rex to give Clint back his money. Kim says it isn't just about Clint. She needs the money for Stacy. Cutter shoves his way into Stacy's room. And is shocked. He needs an explanation. Kim tells him that Stacy was the best friend ever. The gun is the only thing standing between her and death. Cutter shrugs. He was actually trying to do the right thing for once -- for Aubrey. Kim tells him that he can make her believe anything and reminds him of all the scams they pulled before he met Aubrey. Cutter admits that this one takes the prize.
He agrees to help Kim and promises to keep her secret.
At Rodi's, Echo tells Roxy that Kim wants her to convince Rex to give Clint back his fortune. And that she's trying. Roxy suggests that it's time to tell Rex they think he killed Victor. Echo shows Roxy the papers she had a lawyer draw up giving everything back to Clint. She just needs to get Rex to sign them. When Adam, the bartender, tells Roxy that John arrested the murderer, Roxy asks if it was Rex Balsom. Adam, surprised, tells her it was Todd Manning. Roxy tells Echo that Johnny McBain doesn't make mistakes. But Echo responds that they still have to protect Rex. Echo swears she'll do whatever she has to, to keep Rex out of jail. But when Echo returns home, Rex insists he won't give anything back to Clint and walks out. Remembering how she forged Gigi's signature on the Power of Attorney for Rex, Echo sits down at Rex's desk and practices copying Rex's signature.
Tomas brings a tray of food to Tea. When she reminds him how much he hated Victor, Tomas admits he wanted Victor out of her life, but wouldn't kill him. He confesses that, the night Victor was murdered, he was with Colmar, plotting how to get Victor to leave. Irene had control over Victor and Tomas knew she would use him to hurt Tea. He just wanted to protect her, not kill the man she loved. He couldn't attend the funeral because he was called to Langley. He offers to leave, if she believes that he'd kill her husband. Tea apologizes, then tells him Todd asked her to represent him. Tomas asks if she accused him because she doesn't believe Todd is guilty. Tea admits she's suspicious of Jack changing his story, as they all know Jack is a good liar.
In his office, when John remarks to Irene that she isn't grieving for her son, she says her grief is inside. John responds that all that's inside her is guilt. He knows she killed Victor. Irene says that brother hated brother; it's an old story. John responds that so is Medea. Irene reminds him that everyone in town wanted Victor dead. John responds that only she tried to kill him before. John reminds her that Victor tried to strangle her and only John and Brody pulling him off stopped him. Irene thanks John for providing her with an alibi, since she was locked up in his jail when Victor was killed. John asks if she planned it that way. Irene says she won't let him pin it on her. Later, back at Rodi's, Roxy congratulates John on getting the murderer. When John says that the major thinks so, Roxy ask if he doesn't. John says he doesn't want to talk about the Mayor or Todd. Natalie is standing in the doorway, unseen, when Roxy suggests that they talk about about Natty.
Dani visits Todd in jail. When he tries to reminisce, she says she isn't there to bond and demands to know if he killed her father. Todd says he would never take someone she loved from her. Jack hates him and lied. He needs Dani to believe him. Todd wonders if she doubts Jack's story, since she actually asked him if he killed Victor. He insists that everything bad that Victor did was Irene's fault. He doesn't expect Dani to accept him as her father -- at least not right away. Especially considering the awful things he did. Dani says she treated Victor like dirt because of the things Todd did. She tells him life was perfect in Tahiti with Ross. Todd is glad Ross was there for her, after he left to be with Blair. But he didn't know Tea was pregnant. Then Todd asks Dani for a favor -- convince Tea to represent him. She's the only one who can help him. When Dani reminds him that Tea believes he's guilty, Todd responds, "Don't you want the guilty person to pay?" Todd insists he can prove he's innocent -- but he can't tell her more. Just then an officer brings Irene back to her cell. When Irene sees Dani, she seems pleased to meet her granddaughter. Todd tells Dani to get out and Dani and the officer leave. Irene tells Todd that Dani is all the more reason for him to give her what she wants. When Todd tells her he doesn't know what she wants, Irene repeats that when he gives her what she wants, she'll give him what he needs to prove his innocence.
Is she still in love with John? Nat explains that John couldn't forgive her so she had to move on. Brody is perfect so maybe it doesn't matter if she can never love Brody like she does John. Rex says that Gigi was the love of his life. Even though he was with Adriana when he saw her again, he couldn't stay away from her.
Kim hides the gun in Stacy's room at the hospital, then heads out for a walk. She bumps into Cutter in the hall. Cutter knows she took the gun and plans to blackmail Rex to give Clint back his money. Kim says it isn't just about Clint. She needs the money for Stacy. Cutter shoves his way into Stacy's room. And is shocked. He needs an explanation. Kim tells him that Stacy was the best friend ever. The gun is the only thing standing between her and death. Cutter shrugs. He was actually trying to do the right thing for once -- for Aubrey. Kim tells him that he can make her believe anything and reminds him of all the scams they pulled before he met Aubrey. Cutter admits that this one takes the prize.
He agrees to help Kim and promises to keep her secret.
At Rodi's, Echo tells Roxy that Kim wants her to convince Rex to give Clint back his fortune. And that she's trying. Roxy suggests that it's time to tell Rex they think he killed Victor. Echo shows Roxy the papers she had a lawyer draw up giving everything back to Clint. She just needs to get Rex to sign them. When Adam, the bartender, tells Roxy that John arrested the murderer, Roxy asks if it was Rex Balsom. Adam, surprised, tells her it was Todd Manning. Roxy tells Echo that Johnny McBain doesn't make mistakes. But Echo responds that they still have to protect Rex. Echo swears she'll do whatever she has to, to keep Rex out of jail. But when Echo returns home, Rex insists he won't give anything back to Clint and walks out. Remembering how she forged Gigi's signature on the Power of Attorney for Rex, Echo sits down at Rex's desk and practices copying Rex's signature.
Tomas brings a tray of food to Tea. When she reminds him how much he hated Victor, Tomas admits he wanted Victor out of her life, but wouldn't kill him. He confesses that, the night Victor was murdered, he was with Colmar, plotting how to get Victor to leave. Irene had control over Victor and Tomas knew she would use him to hurt Tea. He just wanted to protect her, not kill the man she loved. He couldn't attend the funeral because he was called to Langley. He offers to leave, if she believes that he'd kill her husband. Tea apologizes, then tells him Todd asked her to represent him. Tomas asks if she accused him because she doesn't believe Todd is guilty. Tea admits she's suspicious of Jack changing his story, as they all know Jack is a good liar.
In his office, when John remarks to Irene that she isn't grieving for her son, she says her grief is inside. John responds that all that's inside her is guilt. He knows she killed Victor. Irene says that brother hated brother; it's an old story. John responds that so is Medea. Irene reminds him that everyone in town wanted Victor dead. John responds that only she tried to kill him before. John reminds her that Victor tried to strangle her and only John and Brody pulling him off stopped him. Irene thanks John for providing her with an alibi, since she was locked up in his jail when Victor was killed. John asks if she planned it that way. Irene says she won't let him pin it on her. Later, back at Rodi's, Roxy congratulates John on getting the murderer. When John says that the major thinks so, Roxy ask if he doesn't. John says he doesn't want to talk about the Mayor or Todd. Natalie is standing in the doorway, unseen, when Roxy suggests that they talk about about Natty.
Dani visits Todd in jail. When he tries to reminisce, she says she isn't there to bond and demands to know if he killed her father. Todd says he would never take someone she loved from her. Jack hates him and lied. He needs Dani to believe him. Todd wonders if she doubts Jack's story, since she actually asked him if he killed Victor. He insists that everything bad that Victor did was Irene's fault. He doesn't expect Dani to accept him as her father -- at least not right away. Especially considering the awful things he did. Dani says she treated Victor like dirt because of the things Todd did. She tells him life was perfect in Tahiti with Ross. Todd is glad Ross was there for her, after he left to be with Blair. But he didn't know Tea was pregnant. Then Todd asks Dani for a favor -- convince Tea to represent him. She's the only one who can help him. When Dani reminds him that Tea believes he's guilty, Todd responds, "Don't you want the guilty person to pay?" Todd insists he can prove he's innocent -- but he can't tell her more. Just then an officer brings Irene back to her cell. When Irene sees Dani, she seems pleased to meet her granddaughter. Todd tells Dani to get out and Dani and the officer leave. Irene tells Todd that Dani is all the more reason for him to give her what she wants. When Todd tells her he doesn't know what she wants, Irene repeats that when he gives her what she wants, she'll give him what he needs to prove his innocence.