American Legion National Bylaws
Article 1: National Executive Committee
This bylaw is about the removal/replacement of National Executive Committeeman, when they meet, quorum definition, etc.
Article 2: Duties of Officers
These bylaws codify what constitutes officers of the American Legion. The National Commander also serves as executive head of The American Legion. National Vice Commanders serve under the National Commander, presiding over meetings and doing other needed functions. Other officers serve as their office stipulates.
Article 3: Charters & Article 4: Discipline of Post and Post Members
Charter bylaw deals with the charters of individual posts and under what circumstances a charter may be revoked.
While each post judges its own members, activities must not undermine or advocate the overthrow of the U.S. government.
Article 5: Membership & Article 6: Monies & Collections
Membership in a local post also means membership in the National Organization.
The monies' bylaw deals with how money is handled.
Article 7: Transfer of Posts
The post bylaw deals with how membership may be transferred from one post to another.
Article 8: Amendments
This bylaw deals with how, when and where these bylaws can be amended.