Practice in Forming Interrogative Sentences
Here are sample answers to the exercise on page one: Practice in Forming Interrogative Sentences. In many cases, more than one correct version is possible.
- Is Fritz leaving today?
- Was Margery accused of cheating?
- Did Ernie eat the last doughnut?
- Did the chicken cross the road?
- Can Betty play the saxophone?
- Can you understand why I'm upset?
- Is there a doctor in the house?
- Are the geese returning early this year?
- Do your parents try to cheer you up when you're sad?
- Did Darlene choose the most expensive items on the menu?
- Will you take steps to correct this problem?
- Did the doctor tell us to add cereal to the baby's formula?
- Do Bill's teachers understand why he's sleepy all the time?
- Does Laura know how to serve her customers effectively and efficiently?
- Are the prices in our cafeteria reasonable?
- Will he drive the children to swimming practice?
- Were all the managers taught how to use the new software?
- Have we received a pay raise this year?
- Is basketball Etta's favorite sport?
- Did the repairs to the car cost more than the car was worth?