Scent-A-Way Max Continuous Spray Odor Eliminator from Hunters Specialties Review
The Bottom Line
Scent-A-Way Max Continuous Spray odor eliminator did a good job for me, and I enjoyed using it. The continuous spray is handy, and I like it - but you don't seem to get as much "mileage" as you get from a pump-spray bottle. I like how the spray nozzle turns to lock - like the nozzle on a can of spray-on sun block - and it was easy to hose myself down to kill scents before each hunt.
The container is a little larger than the pump-spray - but it's convenient, and I'd say it's the best I've used.
- Made in USA.
- Spray can is easy to use, with no pumping required. Just twist the top to unlock it, and spray yourself down.
- Spray works right side up, upside down, sideways, or whatever.
- Seems to do a good job of eliminating odors.
- Gets me ready to hit the woods a little faster.
- I like using it better than the pump-spray stuff.
- Bottle is larger than the old cylindrical pump-spray bottles.
- Product doesn't seem to last as long as a pump bottle, though it says it holds more.
- Hunter's Specialties Scent-a-Way Max odor control in a continuous spray (like an aerosol).
- Available in odorless (07725) or Fresh Earth (07704) versions.
- Comes in a 15.5-ounce metal can.
- The top is a twist-to-lock type, as you may have seen on cans of spray-on sun block.
- Manufacturer says it "features new bio-engineering technology that attracts and attacks odor-causing bacteria. High-performance "odor scrubbers" provide stronger, longer results."
Review of Scent-A-Way Max Continuous Spray Odor Eliminator from Hunter's Specialties
I started using odor eliminator sprays more than 20 years ago, when I began to really take hunting seriously. That's when I started using camo gloves, wearing a camouflage face mask, and being more careful with the placement of my tree stands. It's only natural that I wanted to avoid being smelled as well as remaining unseen.
Back then, I grabbed whatever odor-eliminating spray was on the shelf at Wal-Mart. Maybe it worked and maybe it didn't - there was really no good way for a hunter to tell. But it seemed like a worthwhile gamble, so like most other American deer hunters, I went for it.
LIke so many other areas of hunting gear, competition has arisen in the field of odor elimination - and that is good for hunters. Personally, I still tend to stick with the odor control stuff I've been using for most of my hunting life, and that's Scent-a-Way from Hunter's Specialties (HS).
HS has been around since 1977, and they've slowly but surely grown by providing sensible hunting products that work. If you want bells and whistles, look elsewhere... but if you want thoughtful hunting gear that does its job, HS products will almost always give you what you're looking for.
Scent-a-Way Max
The latest HS odor control stuff is Scent-a-Way Max. They say it "features activated odor scrubbers that aggressively attract and attack bacterial odors generated by humans and neutralizes a wide range of environmental odors for quicker, stronger, longer MAXimum protection."
Some other claims include:
- Seeks out odor-causing bacteria and eliminates their ability to produce odors
- Bio-engineered to attack odors at the molecular level
- Mutual Attraction: bacteria is attracted to Scent-A-Way MAX; Scent-A-Way MAX is attracted to bacterial source
Continuous Spray
The continuous spray has some advantages. First of all - no pumping. Just twist the top to unlock it, and start spraying yourself and your gear. Be sure to lock it again afterward, so it doesn't empty itself when it gets mashed against your other gear.
The top won't unscrew or get warped - as sometimes happens with the pump bottles, causing them to leak all over the stuff in your pack. And while a little extra scent prevention is always good, it's no fun to wear soggy gloves or a dripping face mask.
It seemed to me that, although the spray can holds 15.5 ounces and the pump bottle holds 12, the spray didn't last as long. But that could be wrong, as I didn't do a good side-by-side comparison - or possibly I used a little more because the continuous spray makes it so easy.
And that's where it's at - ease of use. I enjoyed the continuous spray, which seemed to get me ready to hit the woods a little faster and provided more even coverage. I used it during the two lengthy gun hunts in 2014 (see links below), during which I bagged three whitetails and had many others close by.
I'll be hunting for this stuff next time I have to buy scent prevention spray.
- Russ Chastain
I Used This Product on These Hunts:
- 2014 Early Gun Hunt in Georgia (Muzzleloader Doe)
- 2014 Gun Hunting Season in Georgia (Handgun Doe and Barnacle Buck)
- H.S. Scent-A-Way Odorless Scent Control Kit
- H.S. Scent-Safe Odor Control Clothes Storage Bag Review
- Review of ScentPrevent Camo Color Wheel Face Paint Makeup for Hunters
- Why do Hunters Paint Their Faces - Does Face Paint Improve Hunting Success?
- BunkerHead No Touch Camo Hunting Face Mask and Hoodie Review
- 18 Deer Hunting Essentials
Disclosure: A review sample was provided by the manufacturer. For more information, please see our Ethics Policy.