Foods That Lower A1c in Diabetes
- Diabetes is a condition that affects the ability of the body to use glucose, or blood sugar, for energy. Everybody needs glucose, but diabetics have too much of it. Chronic diabetes falls into Type 1 or Type 2, but there also are reversible types of diabetes. These include prediabetes and gestational diabetes (during pregnancy), according to the Mayo Clinic.
- An A1c, or glycated hemoglobin, test shows your average blood sugar level for the past two to three months. It is used to diagnose diabetes and also to determine how well your diabetes is being managed. According to the ADA, A1c levels can range from 5 percent (normal) to 25 percent (extremely high).
- Being diabetic does not mean you have to give up the foods you love. Cutting back high-calorie snacks, desserts and drinks may help you lost weight and maintain a healthy A1c level. suggests avoiding restaurant french fries (bake your own at home instead), fast-food burgers, fried chicken, packaged cookies, doughnuts, frozen meals, processed lunch meat, regular soft drinks, flavored water, milkshakes, and pizza.
- Healthy foods can actually lower your A1c levels. Leafy vegetables, dried beans, fish, lean meats and whole grains are especially beneficial, according to the ADA. You don't have to cut out your favorite dairy products, but opt for the non-fat varieties of milk, yogurt and cheese. Use liquid oils rather than solid fats, such as butter and lard, when cooking. Bake rather than fry when you can. And choose sugar-free, no-calorie diet sodas.
- Is your weight putting you at risk? To find out, go to the ADA's Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator (see Resources for direct link). Enter your height, then click "Enter Height." Then slide the weight ruler over to your weight. The calculator will tell you if you are underweight, healthy, overweight, or obese.
A1c Test
Foods to Avoid
Foods that Lower A1c
BMI Test