Piper Warrior
Piper had a lot of aircraft in their family of light airplanes and the Piper Warrior is one of these. The first of these planes came with a 150 horsepower engine. It is not a powerful airplane but it also had its loyal followers to boast of. This was upgraded to the more powerful 160 horsepower engine and the name was changed to the Warrior II. It was a plane marketed as a flight training plane and gained popularity. It later evolved into the Warrior III which came with a glass cockpit where it is still widely used in many flight schools worldwide. It is still a popular trainer aircraft for many student flying pilots.
The four-seat Piper Warrior has maximum speed of 160 knots with a maximum cruise speed of 115 knots and can reach a maximum altitude of 11,000 feet. Some models and variations of the Warrior were introduced with an increased gross weight to 2440 pounds. The warrior was not only a flight training aircraft anymore but also for carrying a fair amount of baggage. These two elements of the Piper Warrior made it a popular airplane in its category. It has built a large following of loyal followers of the Warrior but you can still find one available through a patient research in the internet.
These planes are still around since the early 70s when the Piper manufacturing plant closed done after a damaging flood. History of the plane and its reliability and durability contributed to its popularity which remains up to these days. The Piper Warrior is a good recreational aircraft if you will look at its great range, which is 625 nautical miles. This is already quite a significant distance if you are talking of recreational use. If you want to go on long trips and carry some extra luggage, you will still be able to do it with the 48 gallon fuel that you can load. If you are flying long distance, it is already quite an advantage.
The Piper Warrior is a great recreational airplane with its great range and fuel consumption including capabilities to carry extra load of baggage. The extra range on can get with the Warrior also give a great difference. This is because no one will like to stop in an area in between your destination just to load up on fuel. This advantage plus capabilities of loading 690 pounds of people and baggage makes it a popular choice of many looking for a recreational plane. You can still find one of these planes in the used plane market in the internet. There are many variants of the Piper Warrior available where you can have your best choice. A patient search is only needed and you will be able to find the plane that best fit your needs.
The four-seat Piper Warrior has maximum speed of 160 knots with a maximum cruise speed of 115 knots and can reach a maximum altitude of 11,000 feet. Some models and variations of the Warrior were introduced with an increased gross weight to 2440 pounds. The warrior was not only a flight training aircraft anymore but also for carrying a fair amount of baggage. These two elements of the Piper Warrior made it a popular airplane in its category. It has built a large following of loyal followers of the Warrior but you can still find one available through a patient research in the internet.
These planes are still around since the early 70s when the Piper manufacturing plant closed done after a damaging flood. History of the plane and its reliability and durability contributed to its popularity which remains up to these days. The Piper Warrior is a good recreational aircraft if you will look at its great range, which is 625 nautical miles. This is already quite a significant distance if you are talking of recreational use. If you want to go on long trips and carry some extra luggage, you will still be able to do it with the 48 gallon fuel that you can load. If you are flying long distance, it is already quite an advantage.
The Piper Warrior is a great recreational airplane with its great range and fuel consumption including capabilities to carry extra load of baggage. The extra range on can get with the Warrior also give a great difference. This is because no one will like to stop in an area in between your destination just to load up on fuel. This advantage plus capabilities of loading 690 pounds of people and baggage makes it a popular choice of many looking for a recreational plane. You can still find one of these planes in the used plane market in the internet. There are many variants of the Piper Warrior available where you can have your best choice. A patient search is only needed and you will be able to find the plane that best fit your needs.