Immigration means run for the border.
Chewing a couple of naproxin causes my gums to bleed, and watching Lou Dobb's on television occasions my anus to clench. He seems to have a one track mind that focuses on nothing but immigration. If it wasn't for illegal immigration, Mr. Dobb's would not have his own show on CNN, and would probably end up as a Wal-Mart greeter. My apologies to all of the hard working greeters.
Why are Mexicans the only immigrants that seem to concern this country? Are Caucasians really afraid to be outnumbered in the United States? Why is immigration such a big deal? It could be to distract us from the real issues such as how George Bush has run this country into the ground. It should be more important to find out what that stuff is inside a burrito.
The Mexicans aren't coming to this country illegally, actually they are returning home. Shouldn't we be welcoming them back? Remember Manifest Destiny which was the policy to expand the U.S. Territories in the 1800's. The United States annexed ( a politically correct term for stealing ) Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, and parts of Colorado. These were Anglo Christians supposedly bringing civilization to the world, along with smallpox, syphilis, and other pleasantries. This same approach of bringing our civilization forcefully to others is working so well for George Bush in the Middle East.
At least the Mexicans aren't coming here to kill us or place us on reservations. All they want to do is harvest our vegetables for less than minimum wage. The border patrols should be more concerned about the drugs coming across the border rather than the folks just looking for work, but then again drug trafficking is a significant part of the U.S. economy. The Mexicans who come to labor and maintain our food supplies are also an indispensable part of this nations economy. If not for them our fruits and vegetables would be rotting in the fields, and a bag of spinach would cost eight dollars. That's without taxes for e-coli.
As Lou Dobb's continues to rant about the Mexicans, I would like to remind him that everybody is in this country illegally unless you are a Native American..
My novel Lyam's Journal was published 2/01/08.
Why are Mexicans the only immigrants that seem to concern this country? Are Caucasians really afraid to be outnumbered in the United States? Why is immigration such a big deal? It could be to distract us from the real issues such as how George Bush has run this country into the ground. It should be more important to find out what that stuff is inside a burrito.
The Mexicans aren't coming to this country illegally, actually they are returning home. Shouldn't we be welcoming them back? Remember Manifest Destiny which was the policy to expand the U.S. Territories in the 1800's. The United States annexed ( a politically correct term for stealing ) Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, and parts of Colorado. These were Anglo Christians supposedly bringing civilization to the world, along with smallpox, syphilis, and other pleasantries. This same approach of bringing our civilization forcefully to others is working so well for George Bush in the Middle East.
At least the Mexicans aren't coming here to kill us or place us on reservations. All they want to do is harvest our vegetables for less than minimum wage. The border patrols should be more concerned about the drugs coming across the border rather than the folks just looking for work, but then again drug trafficking is a significant part of the U.S. economy. The Mexicans who come to labor and maintain our food supplies are also an indispensable part of this nations economy. If not for them our fruits and vegetables would be rotting in the fields, and a bag of spinach would cost eight dollars. That's without taxes for e-coli.
As Lou Dobb's continues to rant about the Mexicans, I would like to remind him that everybody is in this country illegally unless you are a Native American..
My novel Lyam's Journal was published 2/01/08.