How to Calculate Pokemon Catch Rate
- 1). Write down the HP max for the Pokemon whose catch rate you wish to calculate. This is the value the Pokemon has with maximum health. Write down the HP current value.
- 2). Write down the bonus ball value and status. The bonus ball is the PokeBall multiplier and the bonus status is the multiplier used depending on what ails the Pokemon at the moment. Bonus status multipliers are as follows: for poison, burn or paralyze use 1.5; for sleep or freeze ailments use 2.
- 3). Use the following equation to find "a" where a = catch rate.
a = { [ (3 * HP max -- 2 * HP current) * rate * bonus ball ] / 3 * HP max } * bonus status
In other words, 2 * HP current is subtracted from 3 * HP max; the difference is multiplied by the rate and by the bonus ball value, then the whole product is divided by 3 * HP max. The resulting quotient is multiplied by the bonus status value.
The maximum value for "a" would be found for a Pokemon whose current HP was at zero and calculated as rate * bonus ball * bonus status; the minimum value for "a" would 1/3 * rate for a Pokemon with full HP current.
Values for "rate" are obtained from a list of Pokemon rates and used to calculate the probability of capture based on catch rate. - 4). Use an online calculator tool as an alternative for faster calculations. Simply put the necessary information into the calculator fields and the result is calculated for you.
- 5). Bypass the catch rate equation completely by using PokeBalls that guarantee you will catch the target Pokemon. The Master, Park and Dream PokeBalls all guarantee capture.