How To Convince My Ex Girlfriend To Take Me Back- Tips To Persuade Her Back To You
You are only human. You can't be expected to be perfect. So, you weren't the best boyfriend that you could possibly be. Does that mean that you have no chance of convincing your ex girlfriend to take you back? Hey, no one knows what the right things to do in a relationship are all of the time. Yeah, some people like to sit on their high horse and act like they do, but we are all just doing our best. If you have been dumped by an ex girlfriend and you are looking to find a way to get your girlfriend back, pay close attention.
Persuading her to come back to you is not going to be easy, that's for sure. Women can be stubborn when it comes to things like this, but that does not mean that you need to give up all hope that you can convince her to take you back. After all, haven't you ever known a guy who was a total jerk to his girlfriend and she just kept on coming back to him?
Here are some tips that you can use to convince your ex girlfriend to take you back:
1. Don't try too hard to use any persuasion techniques or tactics.
The keyword to dealing with an ex girlfriend is to be subtle. And when most guys try to use persuasion tactics or techniques to convince an ex girlfriend to come back to them, they leave subtle at the door. Of course, by doing this, they make it next to impossible to actually persuade her to come back to them. So, don't go too hard on the 'persuasion' techniques. There are better options.
2. DO let your ex girlfriend see that you can move on forward with or without her.
Think she would be hurt if she sees that you are carrying on with your life without her? Well, don't worry about it too much. Time and time again, it gets proven that moving on from a break up is actually one of the best ways to get a girlfriend back. Women place a lot of value on a guy who can move on and doesn't seem to get bogged down by a break up.
3. Don't assume that you can get her back just because you really want her.
If every guy that really wanted their ex girlfriend to come back actually got to see what that was like, there would be no blues songs, right? It's not enough to want her back, you better do something about it. If you don't, you will quickly find that she has no shortage of guys who don't mind picking up the pieces and being her rebound.
Persuading her to come back to you is not going to be easy, that's for sure. Women can be stubborn when it comes to things like this, but that does not mean that you need to give up all hope that you can convince her to take you back. After all, haven't you ever known a guy who was a total jerk to his girlfriend and she just kept on coming back to him?
Here are some tips that you can use to convince your ex girlfriend to take you back:
1. Don't try too hard to use any persuasion techniques or tactics.
The keyword to dealing with an ex girlfriend is to be subtle. And when most guys try to use persuasion tactics or techniques to convince an ex girlfriend to come back to them, they leave subtle at the door. Of course, by doing this, they make it next to impossible to actually persuade her to come back to them. So, don't go too hard on the 'persuasion' techniques. There are better options.
2. DO let your ex girlfriend see that you can move on forward with or without her.
Think she would be hurt if she sees that you are carrying on with your life without her? Well, don't worry about it too much. Time and time again, it gets proven that moving on from a break up is actually one of the best ways to get a girlfriend back. Women place a lot of value on a guy who can move on and doesn't seem to get bogged down by a break up.
3. Don't assume that you can get her back just because you really want her.
If every guy that really wanted their ex girlfriend to come back actually got to see what that was like, there would be no blues songs, right? It's not enough to want her back, you better do something about it. If you don't, you will quickly find that she has no shortage of guys who don't mind picking up the pieces and being her rebound.