First, get to know yourself better. A serious look at your life is essential to get what you want. If you need to travel to Ireland by Monday, you'll have to know where you are starting from.
A self-appraisal may take you a few weeks to fully complete. How well do you know yourself? How much time and effort do you put in to each aspect in your life? How much knowledge do you have about the things around you?
What are the good points about you? What are your successes and failures? Keep in mind that you are not on a fault-finding mission but a fact-finding one. It does not matter whether your strengths match evenly with your weaknesses. It does not matter on paper. The important thing is you need a written record of who and what you are, which needs to written in full detail. This document will be used as a base for improvement.
Great and successful people in every field start with an in depth analysis and revise it regularly to chart their progress.
Second, make a report based on your self-appraisal record, all the things that you thought you were incapable of doing but you managed to do. THIS IS VITAL as it will provide you with inspiration when you are faced with a problem you may think you cannot overcome. This report is not only your real-life success stories but are success stories of positive proof that there is more in you than you ever thought there to be.
These experiences are the ones that you will use to power the obstacles that come your way in the future. Make sure you have this report in writing and keep it with your personal analysis also make a copy in case you loose it.This will be a vital document in times to come.
Third, decide exactly what you want in life. Most people fail and never set goals. If they do then they never pursue their goals or make any attempt to strive towards them. All the steps outlined here are vital to a truly successful, fulfilling life.
When you set yourself goals make them achievable and much stronger than you have ever done before. Set them so that the give you a challenge and aren't just easily obtainable, otherwise you will breeze through life bored and unchallenged. Set goals for each day,week,month,year.two years,five years and so on.
Be precise and definite about what you really want. Write down your goals in all the possible detail. Make them firm... for the moment.
As you move on you will find that your goals will change. Don't change them unless you have achieved the ones that are important to you.
Set as many goals as possible make sure to include what you would like to be doing, where you would like to be living, what you would want for your family,what kind of person do you want to be,what you would like to be earning, your health, your personality, your education,knowledge and spiritual growth. Work towards your goals, and do activities that will help you to accomplish them. Remember, if you make a mistake it can be rectified but doing nothing will get you nowhere.
I guess this next step takes real effort and is the hardest of all.
Fourth is commitment. Please make the decision to achieve your goals, strive for the things you desire which will make you and your life so much better. Make the commitment from within, from your heart and not just from your lips. It may a little time for you to really feel that commitment. By regularly reviewing your goals that you have written down will make it possible for your commitment to feel real. You will go through agony and hardship at first and may wonder if this is really worth pursuing, most people give up, remember determination and will power are always the winners.
Well, all change comes with pain. It hurts to be born,to fall in love, to pass an exam, to run the marathon. Look for the success and glory on the other side and your pain will ease. DO NOT GIVE UP.
A self-appraisal may take you a few weeks to fully complete. How well do you know yourself? How much time and effort do you put in to each aspect in your life? How much knowledge do you have about the things around you?
What are the good points about you? What are your successes and failures? Keep in mind that you are not on a fault-finding mission but a fact-finding one. It does not matter whether your strengths match evenly with your weaknesses. It does not matter on paper. The important thing is you need a written record of who and what you are, which needs to written in full detail. This document will be used as a base for improvement.
Great and successful people in every field start with an in depth analysis and revise it regularly to chart their progress.
Second, make a report based on your self-appraisal record, all the things that you thought you were incapable of doing but you managed to do. THIS IS VITAL as it will provide you with inspiration when you are faced with a problem you may think you cannot overcome. This report is not only your real-life success stories but are success stories of positive proof that there is more in you than you ever thought there to be.
These experiences are the ones that you will use to power the obstacles that come your way in the future. Make sure you have this report in writing and keep it with your personal analysis also make a copy in case you loose it.This will be a vital document in times to come.
Third, decide exactly what you want in life. Most people fail and never set goals. If they do then they never pursue their goals or make any attempt to strive towards them. All the steps outlined here are vital to a truly successful, fulfilling life.
When you set yourself goals make them achievable and much stronger than you have ever done before. Set them so that the give you a challenge and aren't just easily obtainable, otherwise you will breeze through life bored and unchallenged. Set goals for each day,week,month,year.two years,five years and so on.
Be precise and definite about what you really want. Write down your goals in all the possible detail. Make them firm... for the moment.
As you move on you will find that your goals will change. Don't change them unless you have achieved the ones that are important to you.
Set as many goals as possible make sure to include what you would like to be doing, where you would like to be living, what you would want for your family,what kind of person do you want to be,what you would like to be earning, your health, your personality, your education,knowledge and spiritual growth. Work towards your goals, and do activities that will help you to accomplish them. Remember, if you make a mistake it can be rectified but doing nothing will get you nowhere.
I guess this next step takes real effort and is the hardest of all.
Fourth is commitment. Please make the decision to achieve your goals, strive for the things you desire which will make you and your life so much better. Make the commitment from within, from your heart and not just from your lips. It may a little time for you to really feel that commitment. By regularly reviewing your goals that you have written down will make it possible for your commitment to feel real. You will go through agony and hardship at first and may wonder if this is really worth pursuing, most people give up, remember determination and will power are always the winners.
Well, all change comes with pain. It hurts to be born,to fall in love, to pass an exam, to run the marathon. Look for the success and glory on the other side and your pain will ease. DO NOT GIVE UP.