Leave PTSD Behind To Move Forward And Trust In God To Do It
In Samuel 3:8 he heard the voice of God calling him in the night.
The calling sounded thrice and was peaceful without fright.
This writer has been called, too, to relieve those that are blue.
Just enough PTSD sorrow has been left from healing to connect to you!
There is a higher purpose now in memories, lost but not forgotten.
It is a way to not stray, from trusting it is over through what was begotten.
Scars of the heart healed can bring much relished relief.
Shadow of such can help those in trauma to gain some spiritual belief.
Even God wanted to feel what we incarnated in the world experience, you see.
That is why he sent his only Son, to suffer and feel in order to save you and me.
What a wondrous feat to put such powerful Light in a limited source!
We are talking about Eternal Spirit incarnated into Jesus Christ, of course.
There was a different limitation that was mirrored through Christ, too.
Even though he was made physical, God's Spirit manifested right through!
The parable of the mustard seed proliferates this power to process miracles.
The revelation if we think with faith, we can create as revealed in the oracles.
Given that we are co-creators with the Great Creator, €Why waste our thought?€
Answers will come as we clear our hearts from misery our circumstances bought.
With trust in God we are like an infant starting to walk with mother at our side.
Let us take the first step towards that reliance on Him to hold up our stride.
Trust and faith will come once we give up our own power to Source to take over.
Those hurtful emotions will be cleansed, replaced like finding a four-leafed clover!
A tip is to allow Christ's plan that will be perfectly revealed for our higher good.
The spiritual strategy starts up when we start thinking about what we should.
This means letting go of what was begotten, because trauma is not who we are!
Making positive affirmations to overcome what was done replaces any bar.
More advice is to gain spiritual growth through studies of what the Universe holds.
There is a science that scientists cannot explain, and do not fit into tightly molds.
Those baby steps in faith will ignite our spirituality thrusting us forward each day.
Positive, loving compassion are gifts given to grateful hearts that pray!
The calling sounded thrice and was peaceful without fright.
This writer has been called, too, to relieve those that are blue.
Just enough PTSD sorrow has been left from healing to connect to you!
There is a higher purpose now in memories, lost but not forgotten.
It is a way to not stray, from trusting it is over through what was begotten.
Scars of the heart healed can bring much relished relief.
Shadow of such can help those in trauma to gain some spiritual belief.
Even God wanted to feel what we incarnated in the world experience, you see.
That is why he sent his only Son, to suffer and feel in order to save you and me.
What a wondrous feat to put such powerful Light in a limited source!
We are talking about Eternal Spirit incarnated into Jesus Christ, of course.
There was a different limitation that was mirrored through Christ, too.
Even though he was made physical, God's Spirit manifested right through!
The parable of the mustard seed proliferates this power to process miracles.
The revelation if we think with faith, we can create as revealed in the oracles.
Given that we are co-creators with the Great Creator, €Why waste our thought?€
Answers will come as we clear our hearts from misery our circumstances bought.
With trust in God we are like an infant starting to walk with mother at our side.
Let us take the first step towards that reliance on Him to hold up our stride.
Trust and faith will come once we give up our own power to Source to take over.
Those hurtful emotions will be cleansed, replaced like finding a four-leafed clover!
A tip is to allow Christ's plan that will be perfectly revealed for our higher good.
The spiritual strategy starts up when we start thinking about what we should.
This means letting go of what was begotten, because trauma is not who we are!
Making positive affirmations to overcome what was done replaces any bar.
More advice is to gain spiritual growth through studies of what the Universe holds.
There is a science that scientists cannot explain, and do not fit into tightly molds.
Those baby steps in faith will ignite our spirituality thrusting us forward each day.
Positive, loving compassion are gifts given to grateful hearts that pray!