Mistakes Your Criminal Defense Attorney Wants You to Avoid
Hiring a Lawyer Based on Price Alone
When you are looking for a lawyer, you might meet with a few to make sure that you get the right fit. One common mistake that many people make when hiring a lawyer is to work with the lawyer with the lowest costs. However, the lowest cost attorney does not necessarily mean the best value. In order to get the best defense in your case, you should select the lawyer who provides the best value. Take a look at each lawyer's qualifications, experience, and your ability to communicate with them.
Hiring an Expensive Lawyer
For similar reasons, you should also avoid hiring the most expensive lawyer. Many people assume mistakenly that the most expensive lawyer is the one who will provide the best defense of their case. However, just as lowest cost does not mean highest value, neither does highest cost. Again, just make sure that you are meeting with the lawyer and talking to him or her about their unique qualifications that make them the best fit for your situation.
Trying to Take Control of Your Case
Once you have found the best attorney for your case, the best thing that you can do is be honest with him or her and allow them to take care of what they need to take care of. You hired an attorney for a very good reason. You wanted the best defense for your case and the best possible outcome. However, when you try to take over your own representation, you may be doing more damage than good. Your attorney has been representing clients in similar situations to yours for several years and knows the best approach. Do what you can to make your lawyer's job easier by being easy to communicate with and being open and honest, but in the end, you need to leave your defense up to the professionals.
Making Incriminating Phone Calls from Jail
When you make phone calls from jail, you might be tempted to call family and friends and talk or even vent about the situation to whomever is on the other end of the line. Remember that your phone call might be—but you can assume it definitely is—being recorded. The signs posted around the jail stating this should be taken very seriously.
Talking to Police
When you are being placed under arrest for any reason, the police officer arresting you as well as the law enforcement personnel at the jail will probably talk to you and even ask you questions. Be as polite and courteous as you can, but avoid saying as much as you can, as the police may misconstrue the meaning and intent behind anything you say, as well as the way you say it. Being arrested for criminal charges can be extremely stressful. The best things that you can do to make this potentially nightmarish experience as stress-free as possible is to avoid common mistakes that people make when facing criminal charges, and retain a Houston criminal defense attorney. Working with the right lawyer gives you a much better chance of getting through your case as easily as you possibly can.