Even Thinking an Odor is Harmful May Spur Asthma Symptoms
Even Thinking an Odor is Harmful May Spur Asthma Symptoms
Study finds people's negative expectations can play a role in flare-ups
Those who thought it was harmful said it was more irritating and annoying than those who believed it could be beneficial to their health, the study authors noted. Meanwhile, the airways of those who thought the odor might be harmful became more inflamed immediately after they were exposed to it, and remained inflamed 24 hours later.
The patients who were told that the odor was therapeutic on the other hand, had no increase in airway inflammation, the investigators found.
"Introducing a negative bias led to a rapid change in airway inflammation," senior study author Pamela Dalton, a cognitive psychologist at Monell, said in the news release. "What really surprised us was that this response lasted for over 24 hours. The increased inflammation during this period likely makes asthmatics more sensitive to other triggers."
Slideshow: A Visual Guide to Asthma
Thinking an Odor Is Harmful Spurs Asthma Symptoms?
Study finds people's negative expectations can play a role in flare-ups
Those who thought it was harmful said it was more irritating and annoying than those who believed it could be beneficial to their health, the study authors noted. Meanwhile, the airways of those who thought the odor might be harmful became more inflamed immediately after they were exposed to it, and remained inflamed 24 hours later.
The patients who were told that the odor was therapeutic on the other hand, had no increase in airway inflammation, the investigators found.
"Introducing a negative bias led to a rapid change in airway inflammation," senior study author Pamela Dalton, a cognitive psychologist at Monell, said in the news release. "What really surprised us was that this response lasted for over 24 hours. The increased inflammation during this period likely makes asthmatics more sensitive to other triggers."
Slideshow: A Visual Guide to Asthma