Dealing With Wheat Allergies
Wheat allergies are among the eight most common food allergies.
However, when considered together with all kinds of allergies, it is not that common.
Wheat allergies are a major cause of severe allergy symptoms, including asthma and anaphylaxis.
Celiac disease is getting a lot of press these days.
It's an autoimmune disorder which prevents the body from digesting certain proteins found in wheat.
Wheat allergies are usually a reaction to the gluten found in the wheat berry.
Wheat Wheat is a staple grain in many Western countries and is present in a wide variety of foods.
Wheat-dependent exercise induced anaphylaxis (WDEIA) is now believed to be induced by ingested gluten that finds a way into the bloodstream.
The condition is characterized by an intolerance of proteins found in wheat that is used in many different food products.
The symptoms can range from arthritis to sinusitis.
It is often hard to diagnose because people eat wheat products all the time.
Wheat is the staple of majority of American diets.
Allergic reactions often cause many painful side effects for the sufferer.
You should see your doctor immediately if you think you are suffering from wheat allergies.
A doctor can do several tests to help you determine if your symptoms are indeed an indication this allergy.
If you are allergic to wheat you will have to avoid all wheat products.
But do not get too depressed.
Non-gluten wheat flour can be used to make delicious food like pizza, bread and pasta.
Some restaurants now serve gluten-free dishes so you can enjoy the food you are used to eating.
There are also many books you can read to help you understand your wheat allergies [http://www.
A simple search at an online bookstore will produce several titles.
Also, sign up for my newsletter to receive trips to stay healthy.
However, when considered together with all kinds of allergies, it is not that common.
Wheat allergies are a major cause of severe allergy symptoms, including asthma and anaphylaxis.
Celiac disease is getting a lot of press these days.
It's an autoimmune disorder which prevents the body from digesting certain proteins found in wheat.
Wheat allergies are usually a reaction to the gluten found in the wheat berry.
Wheat Wheat is a staple grain in many Western countries and is present in a wide variety of foods.
Wheat-dependent exercise induced anaphylaxis (WDEIA) is now believed to be induced by ingested gluten that finds a way into the bloodstream.
The condition is characterized by an intolerance of proteins found in wheat that is used in many different food products.
The symptoms can range from arthritis to sinusitis.
It is often hard to diagnose because people eat wheat products all the time.
Wheat is the staple of majority of American diets.
Allergic reactions often cause many painful side effects for the sufferer.
You should see your doctor immediately if you think you are suffering from wheat allergies.
A doctor can do several tests to help you determine if your symptoms are indeed an indication this allergy.
If you are allergic to wheat you will have to avoid all wheat products.
But do not get too depressed.
Non-gluten wheat flour can be used to make delicious food like pizza, bread and pasta.
Some restaurants now serve gluten-free dishes so you can enjoy the food you are used to eating.
There are also many books you can read to help you understand your wheat allergies [http://www.
A simple search at an online bookstore will produce several titles.
Also, sign up for my newsletter to receive trips to stay healthy.