Ce n"est pas grave
Expression: Ce n'est pas grave
Pronunciation: [s(eu) nay pa grav]
Meaning: it doesn't matter, don't worry about it, it's OK, no problem, never mind
Literal translation: it's not serious
Register: normal
Notes: The French expression ce n'est pas grave is a way of brushing off something that was just said or done, and the French use it all the time, in all kinds of situations, such as responding to apologies, clearing up misunderstandings, or letting others know that they're unhurt after, for example, falling off a bike.
Informally, it's pronounced c'est pas grave (learn more).
-Ma voiture est en panne.
-Ce n'est pas grave, on peut prendre la mienne.
-My car broke down.
-It doesn't matter, we can take mine.
-Pardon, j'ai oublié de l'acheter.
-C'est pas grave.
-Sorry, I forgot to buy it.
-No problem.
Post your comments about the French expression ce n'est pas grave on my French blog - just hit "comments" at the bottom of the post.
Pronunciation: [s(eu) nay pa grav]
Meaning: it doesn't matter, don't worry about it, it's OK, no problem, never mind
Literal translation: it's not serious
Register: normal
Notes: The French expression ce n'est pas grave is a way of brushing off something that was just said or done, and the French use it all the time, in all kinds of situations, such as responding to apologies, clearing up misunderstandings, or letting others know that they're unhurt after, for example, falling off a bike.
Informally, it's pronounced c'est pas grave (learn more).
-Ma voiture est en panne.
-Ce n'est pas grave, on peut prendre la mienne.
-My car broke down.
-It doesn't matter, we can take mine.
-Pardon, j'ai oublié de l'acheter.
-C'est pas grave.
-Sorry, I forgot to buy it.
-No problem.
Post your comments about the French expression ce n'est pas grave on my French blog - just hit "comments" at the bottom of the post.