Minimum Requirements You"ll Need
First, there are 3 things you must have to build your HOME BUSINESS focused on the Internet...
below is the very minimum requirement to begin...
for less than $30 a month.
I'll show you the approximate cost for each below...
ONLY after you have decided on YOUR trainer and begin your Training online.
Don't waste your $$$.
Website address - we use GoDaddy.
com for our URL for websites - $10 annual Hosting Company - HostGator is the best one we know and use - $10 mo.
However, if you choose Chris Farrell Membership, you will NOT need hosting...
it's FREE at cfm.
Autoresponder - A top rated autoresponder is Aweber, the one we use - $19 mo.
Obviously, there are other things/products that may prove helpful and we'll give you our best recommendations below for your perusal.
We suggest that you NOT spend money until you get educated, understand and ready for implementation for your business if you are a newbie.
There are several excellent training sites that we have a membership in and recommend that you visit, review and sign onto their mailing list.
Watch their videos, read their copy.
Learn about their offers so you can be informed and make a wise decision before INVESTING your money.
Most, if not all, will have a guarantee period of 30 to 60 days backed by a full refund policy.
Be sure you confirm the terms of each one you decide to review and use.
Our list below is not an attempt to suggest these are the only ones.
We have used each one to learn from their expertise as online services and feel the investment has value for us in building our own business.
YOU can always cancel your subscription at any time should you decide the training is not what you need or expected.
Micro Niche Finder -an economical Keyword tool highly recommended.
It's value far exceeds the cost in our opinion.
YOU can also use the Google Keyword tool FOR FREE.
Shawn Casey - WebFIRE - an ole'timer in the online world OF BUSINESS.
I'm NOT suggesting that you buy this product today, however, Shawn is well known and highly respected in the IM circles of leadership.
Just click on the link and listen to his latest marketing tool so you will know it's available when you need it.
WARRIOR FORUM - a place where you can connect with other people like yourself, people building their own HOME BUSINESS.
You can ask questions, share your own expertise and experiences, too.
Forums are powerful connectors for your business.
EzineArticles - If you choose to write articles then this is the place TO BEGIN.
Thousands of articles are written daily and Google likes this website.
I've personally written over 190+ articles here and try to write 3 to 7 new articles almost every week.
Also, a place to learn for free.
NOTE: I want you to be aware that we have added our own affiliate link on the products above and we will make a commission if you purchase because it will not increase your investment.
IF you join a particular PROGRAM above and want to recommend it to your own clientele, friends or subscribers, then you'll want to become an affiliate too.
WARNING: Please DO NOT sign up for more than ONE program at a time or you will be wasting your time, energy, money too.
YOU can spend FULL time watching videos and never build your business.
Building YOUR OWN BUSINESS takes work but you can do it with an investment of several hours weekly simply believing in the value of a Plan B and building financial security through Internet Marketing.
below is the very minimum requirement to begin...
for less than $30 a month.
I'll show you the approximate cost for each below...
ONLY after you have decided on YOUR trainer and begin your Training online.
Don't waste your $$$.
Website address - we use GoDaddy.
com for our URL for websites - $10 annual Hosting Company - HostGator is the best one we know and use - $10 mo.
However, if you choose Chris Farrell Membership, you will NOT need hosting...
it's FREE at cfm.
Autoresponder - A top rated autoresponder is Aweber, the one we use - $19 mo.
Obviously, there are other things/products that may prove helpful and we'll give you our best recommendations below for your perusal.
We suggest that you NOT spend money until you get educated, understand and ready for implementation for your business if you are a newbie.
There are several excellent training sites that we have a membership in and recommend that you visit, review and sign onto their mailing list.
Watch their videos, read their copy.
Learn about their offers so you can be informed and make a wise decision before INVESTING your money.
Most, if not all, will have a guarantee period of 30 to 60 days backed by a full refund policy.
Be sure you confirm the terms of each one you decide to review and use.
Our list below is not an attempt to suggest these are the only ones.
We have used each one to learn from their expertise as online services and feel the investment has value for us in building our own business.
YOU can always cancel your subscription at any time should you decide the training is not what you need or expected.
Micro Niche Finder -an economical Keyword tool highly recommended.
It's value far exceeds the cost in our opinion.
YOU can also use the Google Keyword tool FOR FREE.
Shawn Casey - WebFIRE - an ole'timer in the online world OF BUSINESS.
I'm NOT suggesting that you buy this product today, however, Shawn is well known and highly respected in the IM circles of leadership.
Just click on the link and listen to his latest marketing tool so you will know it's available when you need it.
WARRIOR FORUM - a place where you can connect with other people like yourself, people building their own HOME BUSINESS.
You can ask questions, share your own expertise and experiences, too.
Forums are powerful connectors for your business.
EzineArticles - If you choose to write articles then this is the place TO BEGIN.
Thousands of articles are written daily and Google likes this website.
I've personally written over 190+ articles here and try to write 3 to 7 new articles almost every week.
Also, a place to learn for free.
NOTE: I want you to be aware that we have added our own affiliate link on the products above and we will make a commission if you purchase because it will not increase your investment.
IF you join a particular PROGRAM above and want to recommend it to your own clientele, friends or subscribers, then you'll want to become an affiliate too.
WARNING: Please DO NOT sign up for more than ONE program at a time or you will be wasting your time, energy, money too.
YOU can spend FULL time watching videos and never build your business.
Building YOUR OWN BUSINESS takes work but you can do it with an investment of several hours weekly simply believing in the value of a Plan B and building financial security through Internet Marketing.