Why Do Guys Feel Tired After Sex?
Sex is enjoyed by millions of people worldwide, and there is an interesting conclusion among women when it comes to having sex with their partners.
Most men always seem to fall asleep immediately after a passionate intercourse.
Before you jump into any conclusion as to why he is treating you this way, let us find out more about the guy's body and why he can sleep almost instantly.
First of all, sex often occurs at night.
Therefore it is natural for the man to feel sleepy after an exhausting experience.
This is especially so if the environment is conducive enough for the man to fall asleep easily i.
air-conditioning, dim lightings, relaxed atmosphere, etc.
There is also research done to show that when a man climax, there is a "release of fear, anxiety and tension".
Some guys do have problems when it comes to having sex in bed, and so when he ejaculates, he feels relaxed.
He releases all there is needed and this sets his body in "off" mode.
The tendency to sleep arises at this moment.
Next, we dig deep into what is going on in his brains when he ejaculates.
During ejaculation, men release a mixture of brain chemicals.
The release of the hormone prolactin helps the man feel satisfied, and also allows the man to "recover" quickly.
Research has shown that these hormones are especially high during sleep, and there are suggestions that prolactin is linked directly to feeling sleepy.
An interesting point to note: a sexual intercourse releases 4 times more prolactin that ejaculation through masturbation, which explains why men do not really feel sleepy after masturbation when compared to an intercourse.
Another chemical that is released is oxytocin.
Oxytocin is thought to help you reduce stress levels, which can again be linked to feeling sleepy.
Having said that, there are questions on whether women do feel sleepy after sex as well.
It is good to know that women do fall asleep with the guy anyway.
This is a good opportunity for some sweet-talking and hugging.
Couples do share an emotional bond after sex and this explains why a good intercourse followed by some "post-activities" can help strengthen a relationship.
Most men always seem to fall asleep immediately after a passionate intercourse.
Before you jump into any conclusion as to why he is treating you this way, let us find out more about the guy's body and why he can sleep almost instantly.
First of all, sex often occurs at night.
Therefore it is natural for the man to feel sleepy after an exhausting experience.
This is especially so if the environment is conducive enough for the man to fall asleep easily i.
air-conditioning, dim lightings, relaxed atmosphere, etc.
There is also research done to show that when a man climax, there is a "release of fear, anxiety and tension".
Some guys do have problems when it comes to having sex in bed, and so when he ejaculates, he feels relaxed.
He releases all there is needed and this sets his body in "off" mode.
The tendency to sleep arises at this moment.
Next, we dig deep into what is going on in his brains when he ejaculates.
During ejaculation, men release a mixture of brain chemicals.
The release of the hormone prolactin helps the man feel satisfied, and also allows the man to "recover" quickly.
Research has shown that these hormones are especially high during sleep, and there are suggestions that prolactin is linked directly to feeling sleepy.
An interesting point to note: a sexual intercourse releases 4 times more prolactin that ejaculation through masturbation, which explains why men do not really feel sleepy after masturbation when compared to an intercourse.
Another chemical that is released is oxytocin.
Oxytocin is thought to help you reduce stress levels, which can again be linked to feeling sleepy.
Having said that, there are questions on whether women do feel sleepy after sex as well.
It is good to know that women do fall asleep with the guy anyway.
This is a good opportunity for some sweet-talking and hugging.
Couples do share an emotional bond after sex and this explains why a good intercourse followed by some "post-activities" can help strengthen a relationship.