Equipment for Removal of Tree Stumps
- Tree stump removal equipment is needed when chemical application and burning is not feasible. Although there are several types of methods to get the job done immediately, not all are safe and often require a permit. Heavy machinery takes away from the back-breaking labor of hand digging, and often requires very little effort from the operator. Although renting some these pieces of equipment is costly and experience is a necessity, they are very time effective.
- Tree spades are the most labor and time saving pieces of equipment available. This large piece of equipment employs three to four spades and a hydraulic system to dig up a stump, requiring little, if any, effort by the operator. Knowing the diameter, or caliber, of the stump is crucial considering that tree spades come in many sizes. Homeowners can rent trailer-mounted spades at many equipment rental outlets. Because of its complexity, however, tree spades should only be used by professionals.
- A stump grinder decimates a stump with a belt-driven cutting wheel. By using a back and forth motion, the stump is reduced to wood chips. Sizes for stump grinders vary from trailer-mounted for professionals to walk-behind for homeowners. Although efficient and less expensive then tree spades, stump grinders are very dangerous to operate. Stump grinders are heavy and difficult to maneuver and can "jump," injuring the operator or bystanders. The cutting wheel can also launch debris, such as rocks, a long ways.
- Homeowners tend to favor backhoes over tree spades and stump grinders because to ease of use and most landowners may already own one. Because of their large size, the site requires good access in order for the backhoe to operate without causing damage to it or objects around it. Backhoes also leave a large footprint, which includes damage to the soil and landscape surrounding the site. Common accident include overturning, falling or striking bystanders.
- The primitive method of hand digging to remove a stump can be less strenuous by using chains, pulleys, and levers. The University of Georgia recommends soaking the ground around the stump overnight to reduce extraction load from the soil. Furthermore, knowing if the tree had a fibrous root system or tap root should be taken into consideration since this can determine depth of the root zone. Strict care and management are needed when using these devices since great tension and force is generated, which can cause severe injury or death.
Tree Spade
Stump Grinders
Backhoes or Loaders
Chains and Pulleys