Article Writing - 4 Reasons to Submit to Article Directories
I'm often asked why I bother writing articles for different article directories on the web.
After all, aren't I just helping the directory sites generate and monetize their own traffic? Where's the BIG benefit for me? The simple answer is that article directories bring traffic to your blog and website.
But there are other reasons why you should spend some time each day article writing and posting to directories.
The web is a relationship building tool.
When you write articles for your niche topic or interest, your articles are found and read by people who are interested in the topic you write about.
Some of these people will become valuable contacts for you.
Some will become valuable joint venture partners or affiliates.
Others will introduce you to other important players in your industry.
Others will link to you from their own blog etc.
Back links.
Yeah, this is obvious.
But overlooked.
You can NEVER have too many relevant links back to your site - especially from authority sites.
The more relevant links you have, the higher Google, yahoo and every other man and his dog will rank you.
Higher search engine rankings get you more traffic.
Article writing for directories is a great source of back links.
Competitive edge in Search rankings.
I'm not repeating myself here.
This is different: Your articles on directory sites will often rank higher, faster for your keywords than your website or blog will.
This means writing articles for directories gives you a competitive edge over others in your field who neglect directory submissions.
But their loss is your gain.
Just because they miss out on getting their articles amongst the top pages ranked for their search terms doesn't mean you have to.
Writing for article directories forces you - or someone you hire - to sit down and create content for all the content hungry web surfers.
This content can be reformatted into white papers to be given away to subscribers, bonus reports to add value to your products or services, or content for your regular ezine (remember, many, probably most, of your ezine subscribers will never see your content in the article directories, so there's little chance of doubling up).
There are more reasons for article writing and directory submissions.
But these will do for now.
I'm off to write another article for an article directory.
After all, aren't I just helping the directory sites generate and monetize their own traffic? Where's the BIG benefit for me? The simple answer is that article directories bring traffic to your blog and website.
But there are other reasons why you should spend some time each day article writing and posting to directories.
The web is a relationship building tool.
When you write articles for your niche topic or interest, your articles are found and read by people who are interested in the topic you write about.
Some of these people will become valuable contacts for you.
Some will become valuable joint venture partners or affiliates.
Others will introduce you to other important players in your industry.
Others will link to you from their own blog etc.
Back links.
Yeah, this is obvious.
But overlooked.
You can NEVER have too many relevant links back to your site - especially from authority sites.
The more relevant links you have, the higher Google, yahoo and every other man and his dog will rank you.
Higher search engine rankings get you more traffic.
Article writing for directories is a great source of back links.
Competitive edge in Search rankings.
I'm not repeating myself here.
This is different: Your articles on directory sites will often rank higher, faster for your keywords than your website or blog will.
This means writing articles for directories gives you a competitive edge over others in your field who neglect directory submissions.
But their loss is your gain.
Just because they miss out on getting their articles amongst the top pages ranked for their search terms doesn't mean you have to.
Writing for article directories forces you - or someone you hire - to sit down and create content for all the content hungry web surfers.
This content can be reformatted into white papers to be given away to subscribers, bonus reports to add value to your products or services, or content for your regular ezine (remember, many, probably most, of your ezine subscribers will never see your content in the article directories, so there's little chance of doubling up).
There are more reasons for article writing and directory submissions.
But these will do for now.
I'm off to write another article for an article directory.