Reflections by Jill - A Weekly Commentary for OLTL for July 13, 2009
Well, Rex has looked all over his apartment for the bag of blood that Stacy has hidden but he can’t find it. Stacy probably has it hidden somewhere at Ultra Violet in a meat freezer or a wine chiller. At any rate, the plot gets dumber and dumber every day.
Does Rex think Stacy is so stupid that she won’t start putting two and two together and figure out why he’s avoiding her? She can make a few excuses for him for now when he avoids sleeping with her and doesn’t share his shower with her even when she drops her towel and offers herself to him in her birthday suit.
But Gigi is right about Stacy being no one’s fool so Rex’s new plan could be a major flop. He and Gigi are going to fake the fact that Shane is having a relapse so that Stacy will have to go get the blood and they will catch her in the act. Honestly, I’m with Gigi when she says that pretending Shane is ill again is tempting fate. Gigi agrees to go along with the plan so hang on for some more stupidity.
Although Rex and Gigi admit how much they still love each other, something is still between then which Gigi cannot figure out and of course that is the fact that Rex slept with Stacy and the guilt is killing him. Rex explains to Gigi that it is hard for him to understand how she could be so convincing in dumping him. I do agree that Gigi did her best to make Rex believe she was done with him, but no matter what, getting involved with her nasty sister was the wrong thing to do. Rex keeps going on and on about how he wishes Gigi would have trusted him enough to tell him the truth from the beginning, but honestly, by putting so much blame on Gigi, he is trying to rationalize what he did with Stacy.
Rex and Gigi finally admit how glad they are to be together again and they make love. Wait until Gigi finds out that Rex slept with her disgusting sister just a couple of days before reuniting with her in their bed. ICK!
And of course Stacy can’t help but stop by Gigi’s to gloat about her conquest. She taunts Gigi for a while and assumes that Gigi slept with Schuyler and tops off her annoying visit by saying, “Well, it’s all fair; you slept with my ex and I slept with yours.” Even though Rex has told Gigi over and over that nothing happened, Gigi is furious and I don’t blame her for the way she confronted him about it when he got back to her place. And then we have Schuyler, who in befriending Gigi has developed a crush on her and now thinks he is her savior and bearer of the truth. I think it’s great that he came forward and told Gigi the truth about what Stacy was up to. If not for his honestly, who knows when the truth would have come out. However, even though it infuriates him that Rex has not told Gigi he slept with Stacy, I don’t really think it is his place to be involved any further. Sure, he cares very much for Gigi (and wasn’t it just a while ago that he was still in love with Stacy and wanted to start things up with her again?), but it bothered me when he was badgering her the other day and pushing her to doubt that Rex and Stacy hadn’t slept together. It’s not his place to divulge any more truths. Now he is going through Rex and wants to know when he’s going to tell Gigi he slept with Stacy. When does this become a “mind your own business” issue for Schuyler? We all know that Gigi is going to find out the truth in the nastiest way possible and it would be great if Rex came forward on his own, but even if he decides to do that, someone will get to Gigi first and all Hell will break loose. Schuyler summoned Rex to his apartment and the tangled over the fact that Rex is still keeping the secret, which ended in Rex decking Schuyler. This whole storyline is a mess and all of the characters need a good smack in my opinion.
Brody decides to fill out an application to attend the police academy but decides to ditch the idea once he reads some of the questions concerning mental history and criminal background. Bo catches him just as he is tossing the application in the trash and being the great guy he is, Bo convinces Brody to apply and reassures him that he is a good man and very qualified and his past is just that, his past. Of course it is doubtful that someone in Brody’s situation would be accepted in real life, but hey, we’re not talking about real life and I can definitely see Brody as a cop.
Did you all think that Starr and Cole would finally tie the knot? Well, I guess it wasn’t meant to be because just as the Justice of the Peace was about to pronounce them husband and wife (down to the last word), John walks in and interrupts the ceremony. John has been talking to the judge in Cole’s case and has finally convinced the judge to keep Cole out of prison and put him to work undercover to try get to the bottom of the drug problem in Llanview. The judge seemed like he wasn’t going to give in, but John convinced him that it is personal and that he has always felt a duty to take care of Cole and sending him to prison wouldn’t be good for anyone. John promised that if his plan didn’t work, Cole would serve his sentence but John was not happy when the judge gave him only one month to get results.
So, John stops the wedding and everyone thinks he just convinced the judge to give Cole community service, but they have no idea what kind of community service. Although Todd hates that John has come through yet again and saved the day, he is too happy that the wedding has been stopped to get mad about John. Todd just assumes that the wedding is off since Cole is not going to prison (and Todd is really sorry Cole is not going to prison) and he announces that the wedding is off, as if it is his decision. Starr and Cole go outside to talk about the wedding and although Cole says that he still wants to marry her, Starr, in her infinite, mature wisdom, convinces him that they are not ready to get married and that they should be together, raise their baby, but not get married until they think the time is right. Now that Cole is not going to prison, they think they have all the time in the world.
Meanwhile, back at the police station, John is explaining to Marty and Cole exactly what Cole has to be involved in to stay out of prison.