5 Easy Ways to Make Gold in World Of Warcraft Cataclysm
There are 5 easy ways to make gold in the game of world of warcraft.
There is always something to buy, but more importantly, something to sell.
If you set yourself up correctly, you'll be able to make a lot of gold very quickly and reap the rewards on demand.
below we will cover the basics of the 5 easiest ways to make gold in wow, Please be aware the higher the level you are, the more gold you'll make, and the easier it'll be.
If you are not level 85 yet, it is highly recommended you get there as soon as possible.
you can still make gold, but it'll only be small change compared to what you'll be able to make at level 85.
Method 1: Gathering This is perhaps the easiest way to make gold in the game.
The main items you'll be gathering is leather, herbs,fish,cloth and metals.
the only thing you need to be aware of is that you can only have two primary professions, There are 3 gathering professions that are considering primary professions.
These are mining, skinning and herbalism.
Fishing is a secondary profession and doesn't count towards your profession cap.
When you have a full stack of an item which is usually 20, go and put it on the Auction house, if you beat the best price by 5%, you'll find it'll sell in minutes usually, A great way to make gold fast.
Method 2: Item Farming This is best done in group of 5 people, for the sole purpose of farming, what you do is start running instances with your friends, and collect all the sellable weapons and armor that drops, you can easily get drops that are worth up to 2000-3000gp each in the upper end instances, and if your good at them, you can run one every 30minutes.
If you have a few hours to spare, and few good friends in game, this can be highly profitable very quickly.
Method 3: Crafting back to the professions again, this time, it's the crafting professions, You'll be able to make items, mainly weapons, armor and gems, and sell them on the auction house, you really only make a profit at the higher end, but when you get there, you'll make a killing as everyone will want to buy your items, some of them can easily go for 2000+ gold.
Method 4: Buy Low, Sell High everyone has head of this one, and might of given it a go, but in the end, you need to know the market, so if you don't sit in the auction house for a few hours every day, you'll lost a lot of gold quickly.
When you have been at it a while, you'll know when prices are low, and will buy, and sell when they are high, this can get you the most gold out of all the methods, and very quickly, however it also is the highest risk as well, and you can lose big.
Method 5: Cornering the Auction House This is the highest risk of all, but if you do it right, you'll be swimming in gold in no time.
The whole purpose of this method, is to find an item, or set of items on the auction house, that are in demand, and buy them ALL, then relist them at a much higher price, the idea is you'll sell a few of the items at the much higher price that'll it cover the cost of buying out ALL the auctions, any extra items on top of that, are pure profit.
This is high risk because people will try to undercut you fast.
I hope you have found this article interesting, and have learnt some valid and interesting ways to make gold in the game called the world of warcraft.
There is always something to buy, but more importantly, something to sell.
If you set yourself up correctly, you'll be able to make a lot of gold very quickly and reap the rewards on demand.
below we will cover the basics of the 5 easiest ways to make gold in wow, Please be aware the higher the level you are, the more gold you'll make, and the easier it'll be.
If you are not level 85 yet, it is highly recommended you get there as soon as possible.
you can still make gold, but it'll only be small change compared to what you'll be able to make at level 85.
Method 1: Gathering This is perhaps the easiest way to make gold in the game.
The main items you'll be gathering is leather, herbs,fish,cloth and metals.
the only thing you need to be aware of is that you can only have two primary professions, There are 3 gathering professions that are considering primary professions.
These are mining, skinning and herbalism.
Fishing is a secondary profession and doesn't count towards your profession cap.
When you have a full stack of an item which is usually 20, go and put it on the Auction house, if you beat the best price by 5%, you'll find it'll sell in minutes usually, A great way to make gold fast.
Method 2: Item Farming This is best done in group of 5 people, for the sole purpose of farming, what you do is start running instances with your friends, and collect all the sellable weapons and armor that drops, you can easily get drops that are worth up to 2000-3000gp each in the upper end instances, and if your good at them, you can run one every 30minutes.
If you have a few hours to spare, and few good friends in game, this can be highly profitable very quickly.
Method 3: Crafting back to the professions again, this time, it's the crafting professions, You'll be able to make items, mainly weapons, armor and gems, and sell them on the auction house, you really only make a profit at the higher end, but when you get there, you'll make a killing as everyone will want to buy your items, some of them can easily go for 2000+ gold.
Method 4: Buy Low, Sell High everyone has head of this one, and might of given it a go, but in the end, you need to know the market, so if you don't sit in the auction house for a few hours every day, you'll lost a lot of gold quickly.
When you have been at it a while, you'll know when prices are low, and will buy, and sell when they are high, this can get you the most gold out of all the methods, and very quickly, however it also is the highest risk as well, and you can lose big.
Method 5: Cornering the Auction House This is the highest risk of all, but if you do it right, you'll be swimming in gold in no time.
The whole purpose of this method, is to find an item, or set of items on the auction house, that are in demand, and buy them ALL, then relist them at a much higher price, the idea is you'll sell a few of the items at the much higher price that'll it cover the cost of buying out ALL the auctions, any extra items on top of that, are pure profit.
This is high risk because people will try to undercut you fast.
I hope you have found this article interesting, and have learnt some valid and interesting ways to make gold in the game called the world of warcraft.