How to Grow Schlumbergera Cactus
- 1). Harvest a leaf segment cutting from an existing Schlumbergera plant in spring, around mid-April. Snap off a leaf segment at the joint or sever it cleanly using pruning shears.
- 2). Dry the Schlumbergera leaf for several days before potting it. Set it on a shelf away from direct sunlight until the severed end turns creamy white and slightly hard.
- 3). Pot the leaf segment cutting in a 4-inch plastic pot filled with vermiculite. Press the leaf into the vermiculite to half its depth.
- 4). Water the Schlumbergera cutting with 1/4 cup of water five to seven days after potting it. Drizzle the water into the vermiculite around the base of the cutting.
- 5). Set the pot on a windowsill offering very bright, indirect light and temperatures above 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid exposing the Schlumbergera cutting to strong sunlight since it will dry out.
- 6). Test for roots in two to three weeks by gently trying to lift it from the vermiculite. Feel for resistance to the lifting motion, which indicates root production.
- 7). Transplant the Schlumbergera leaf cutting into a 6-inch pot filled with equal parts compost, coarse sand and vermiculite. Wait one to two weeks after rooting before transplanting it.