Guidelines for Writing in a Journal Format
- A reflective journal is often kept by people who like to analyze and make sense of the world going on around them. Reflective journals tend to be simple in format; a date heading followed by a descriptive passage of the topic the writer is reflecting upon. The writer's reflections on the subject take up the bulk of each entry. This type of journal writing can help you gain a deeper understanding of events in your life. What happened, how I feel about it, and what I learned are the key elements of this type of writing.
- Double-entry journals are two columns. Column one details an event or something the writer heard that held some particular meaning. The second column is where the writer details the purpose for the entry. This type of journal writing is ideal for keeping track of things you hear that you found particularly meaningful.
- Keeping a metacognitive journal is ideal for the writer who likes to learn. A metacognitive journal shows what you learned and how you learned it. Writers who keep a journal of this type do so typically to reinforce the knowledge they gain. Metacognitive journals can be written in two columns, detailing what you learned in one column and how in the other, or you can simply write linear entries detailing both elements together.
- The best thing about a personal journal is that there aren't any rules. You don't have to be concerned about spelling or format or content. A personal journal is free form. You can write about anything that interests you or has an effect on your life or anyone else's life. You can rant about your friends or parents, allow your thoughts to flow on any topic without fear of repercussion. A personal journal is where you let your thoughts run wild. You can format a personal journal any way you want, even if you choose no specific format at all.
Reflective Journal Writing
Double-Entry Journal
Metacognitive Journal
Personal Journal