How to Stretch Out Curls
Things You'll Need
1Wash hair thoroughly and towel dry to remove excess moisture. Apply a smoothing hair serum to your entire head of hair while hair is still damp. Work in the product from root to tip using your fingers.
Separate a 2-inch section of hair near your right temple. Comb the section of hair out gently while it is still evenly damp.
Wrap a hair elastic around the section of hair about an inch away from the scalp so that the elastic sits snugly on the hair. Wrap another hair elastic around the separated section of hair about 1 to 2 inches down from the first hair elastic.
Wrap a hair elastic around the section of hair every couple of inches until you reach the tip of the hair.
Separate a new 2-inch section of hair and repeat the banding process with new hair elastics. Keep pulling out new 2-inch sections of hair and wrapping them with the bands until all of your hair has been wrapped in hair elastics.
Allow the hair to dry for at least eight hours with the elastics in place. Ideally, leave the bands in place overnight to encourage the curls to stretch and the hair to dry completely. Once dry, gently remove elastics.