About Wireless CCTV
- Each wireless CCTV camera has its own unique IP address that allows it to communicate with a wireless Internet router and access the Internet through an Internet modem.
- Once a wireless CCTV camera is installed and activated, you can view the images it is broadcasting on an Internet browser on any computer with a broadband connection.
- A wireless CCTV camera can allow you to keep track of your residence, your summer home, your garage or any other piece of property you need to monitor on a constant basis. You can also save the images the camera is capturing on a computer disk for archiving.
- According to Securehomeadvice.com, the most basic wireless CCTV cameras have a range of over 150 feet. That means they can be over 150 feet away from the closest wireless router.
- A wireless CCTV camera can be moved to any room you need it to be in. There are no cables to disconnect or reattach, so moving a wireless CCTV camera is very simple.
IP Address