Training Your Dog to Stop Barking
How to stop your dog from barking can seem to be one of the hardest things to do right? Especially when barking is part of a dog's way of communicating and protection.
I know that there are times when a dog will just bark for no apparent reason.
You try yelling and that seems to only aggravate the situation.
So what do you do? You Must Be A Leader Excessive barking and many other behavioral problems will be easily corrected if your dog learns to look to you and respect you as their pack leader.
A properly trained dog respects and love to please their owner.
Excessive barking is a problem that can be fixed if you are consistent and diligent with your dog training.
Obedience Signals Training your dog to respond to obedience signals is still the best and most effective way to eliminate dog barking behavior but still maintain his freedom to do what is natural to him.
Training with a head halter and leash often provides a tool for implementing the techniques safely and effectively especially indoors or when the owner is nearby.
This type of training should first be presented to the dog from a distance.
Training sessions are then repeated with progressively more intense stimuli.
This type of training can be effective, but progress can be slow and time consuming.
Just be patient and it will pay off.
Positive Reinforcement Praise will be just as good to the dog as a food reward.
If your dog ignores your command and continues to bark, quietly and calmly walk over to your dog.
Praise them when they defecate outside.
Do not use the command no.
Praise him happily when he does not bark.
I know that there are times when a dog will just bark for no apparent reason.
You try yelling and that seems to only aggravate the situation.
So what do you do? You Must Be A Leader Excessive barking and many other behavioral problems will be easily corrected if your dog learns to look to you and respect you as their pack leader.
A properly trained dog respects and love to please their owner.
Excessive barking is a problem that can be fixed if you are consistent and diligent with your dog training.
Obedience Signals Training your dog to respond to obedience signals is still the best and most effective way to eliminate dog barking behavior but still maintain his freedom to do what is natural to him.
Training with a head halter and leash often provides a tool for implementing the techniques safely and effectively especially indoors or when the owner is nearby.
This type of training should first be presented to the dog from a distance.
Training sessions are then repeated with progressively more intense stimuli.
This type of training can be effective, but progress can be slow and time consuming.
Just be patient and it will pay off.
Positive Reinforcement Praise will be just as good to the dog as a food reward.
If your dog ignores your command and continues to bark, quietly and calmly walk over to your dog.
Praise them when they defecate outside.
Do not use the command no.
Praise him happily when he does not bark.