How to Place Tomato Cages
- 1). Pull off the leaves from the bottom half of the seedling's stem before planting the root ball as well as the bottom half of the stem under the soil. Leave the top half of the tomato sticking up to be the growing base of the plant.
- 2). Place a cage around the seedling so it is evenly centered around all sides of the cages. Push the cage down into the soil 3 to 4 inches deep to secure it.
- 3). Add garden stakes around the tomato cage, if it seems wobbly or unstable, by pushing them into the ground next to the cage. Use a few lengths of string to tie the stakes to the cage, using as many stakes as you think you need until the cage feels set in place.
- 4). Care for and water the tomato plant as needed as you watch it grow taller. Allow the plant to grow on its own, slipping branches through the cage when needed. Keep an eye on the main stem to make sure it is growing up straight.
- 5). Support the main stem if it starts to tip by tying a plant tie loosely around the main stem and attaching it to the cage. Use a new tie every 9 to 12 inches as needed to support the tomato plant.