DUI Charges in Arizona
Anyone charged with DUI in Arizona faces a serious legal situation.
Much like any crime, there are different degrees of severity involved depending on the particulars of the defendant's situation, but if you face any sort of DUI-related charge, you must act now to begin to build a defense.
Below is a brief overview of the different levels of severity involved with the crime of DUI in Arizona, and if you must defend yourself against any of that appear below, contact an experienced DUI defense attorney to schedule an initial consultation.
Misdemeanors Any misdemeanor can carry a jail term of up to one year if the defendant is convicted, but in DUI cases, the sentences are not generally this long.
Below is a breakdown of the DUI charges that are classified as misdemeanors along with the potential jail terms attached:
Below are the DUI-related charges that are classified as felonies:
Much like any crime, there are different degrees of severity involved depending on the particulars of the defendant's situation, but if you face any sort of DUI-related charge, you must act now to begin to build a defense.
Below is a brief overview of the different levels of severity involved with the crime of DUI in Arizona, and if you must defend yourself against any of that appear below, contact an experienced DUI defense attorney to schedule an initial consultation.
Misdemeanors Any misdemeanor can carry a jail term of up to one year if the defendant is convicted, but in DUI cases, the sentences are not generally this long.
Below is a breakdown of the DUI charges that are classified as misdemeanors along with the potential jail terms attached:
- First-time DUI - Range of 10 to 180 days in jail.
Minimum of 10 consecutive days in jail.
The court may suspend 9 of the 10 days if you agree to get an alcohol and/or drug evaluation, and submit to treatment. - Second-time DUI - 90 to 180 days in jail.
Minimum of 90 consecutive days in jail.
The court may suspend 60 of the 90 days in jail if you successfully complete all recommended treatment and counseling. - Fist-time Extreme DUI (BAC of .
15 or more) - 30 to 180 days in jail.
Minimum of 30 consecutive days in jail.
The Court may suspend 20 of the 30 days if you successfully complete all recommended counseling and education. - Second-time Extreme DUI - 120 to 180 days in jail.
Minimum of 120 consecutive days in jail.
The Court may suspend 60 of the 120 days if you agree to get an alcohol and/or drug evaluation, and submit to treatment. - First-time Super Extreme DUI (BAC of .
20 or more) - 45 to 180 days in jail.
Minimum of 45 consecutive days in jail, with no option for suspended sentence. - Second-time Super Extreme DUI - 180-day mandatory sentence, of which at least 90 days must be served consecutively, and there is no option for a suspended sentence.
Below are the DUI-related charges that are classified as felonies:
- Class 4 Felony Aggravated DUI - This refers to a 3rd DUI within 7 years or a DUI while the defendant's driver's license is suspended or restricted.
A conviction on this charge carries a minimum of four months in prison before any eligibility for probation, pardon, commutation or suspension of the sentence arises. - Class 6 Felony Aggravated DUI - This charge refers to a DUI with a child under 15 years of age in the vehicle.
Anyone convicted of this charge will serve a minimum of the sentences for the misdemeanor DUI's in the statutes.