Do It Yourself Cat Tree Play Tower
- Go to the local pet stores and check out the type of cat towers offered. Look at various styles available to get design ideas. Make note of the materials used on the cat trees and how each is put together, if possible. This is the best way to understand what materials you will need and what you will have to do to make it yourself.
Check online for additional cat tree ideas. Go to popular websites like, or and look under cat furniture. You may not be able to check the ones found online as closely as the ones found in stores, but you will still get new ideas. Figure out what type you want to make for your cat. Choose one that you know you can create. - Locate cat tree, cat condo, cat tower or cat furniture plans to use from online sources. Alter the plans as needed to customize the results or use as is. Find cat tree plans to use free or purchase ones available. Make your own plans from information found, if your woodworking abilities are good. Draw your own plans allowing you to completely customize your cat tree for your cat and its exact location. Create a drawing with the measurements you want and decide what materials you will need. Remember to keep the base of the cat tower large and heavy.
- Decide if you want to use two-by-fours, PVC pipe, cardboard tubing or some other material for the posts. Figure out the size of each platform or enclosures you want and how much plywood you need to make all sections. Estimate how much carpeting is required to cover the parts of the cat tree you want and if you wish to add rope around the posts or hanging toys from platforms. Always measure twice and give yourself extra materials to work with.
Required tools to make a cat tree include nails, screws, a hammer, a screwdriver, wood glue and a measuring tape. Optional tools that you could use consist of a staple gun, staples, a drill, a saw and L brackets. Purchase all items needed to create the cat play tower. Order the wood pre-cut when you buy it if you do not have access to a saw. - Find an area where you can work easily without distractions. Build the tower's skeleton. Start at the base and work your way up carefully checking as you go. Make sure the cat tree is sturdy and will not tip over. Finish the tower by covering the surfaces with carpet or other material. Add L brackets to it and connect it to a wall for added support, if desired. Check the finished cat tree thoroughly for any sharp edges or other dangers for your cat.
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Cat Tree Plans
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