A Simple Solution to Safely and Naturally Whitening Asian Skin
If you have Asian skin, what are your options for whitening or lightening your your skin? Is it that much different from people with normal Caucasian skin? Whitening Asian skin is not impossible, you don't need expensive procedures for it and in fact there is a great natural way to do it.
In this article we'll take a look at the avenues available to you and recommend a course of action you can start on right away.
Asian skin tends to be yellowish brown in color.
Tones will vary across different nationalities, regions and various genetic factors.
As with all darker skin, the color is produced by melanin.
This is the skin pigment that basically gives the skin its color.
The more melanin you have, the darker your skin, so Asians tend to have more than caucasians.
With that established, the first course of action in whitening Asian skin would be to decrease or inhibit melanin, which would naturally whiten your skin.
One of the most popular active ingredients in skin bleaching creams is Hydroquinone.
This works by inhibiting the production of melanin.
However, I would not recommend the use of Hydroquinone based creams.
Firstly, it's a chemical compound and in higher concentrations it can cause severe skin irritation.
Secondly, the FDA actually proposed a ban on the substance in 2006 due to some research and testing linking it to cancer in animals.
This is a controversial point and most dermatologists still consider it perfectly safe for human use.
Thirdly, it is suspected that Hydroquinone could cause Ochronosis, which is a permanent form of hyperpigmentation - in other words, it permanently darkens areas of the skin.
It has been found that this condition is more likely to occur in dark skinned patients who use Hydroquinone over extended periods of time.
Clearly, this is not a 100% safe substance to use.
Let's instead look at what you can use for safely and naturally whitening Asian skin.
From India we get the wonderful herb extract called Extrapone Nutgrass Root (ENR).
This is being used in natural skin creams.
In clinical trials ENR has been shown to inhibit melanin production by up to 40%, thereby naturally lightening the skin over time.
What about side effects? ENR was actually first developed as an anti-irritant before its skin whitening benefits were discovered.
It is soft and gentle on the skin and completely natural without the dangers that accompany chemicals like Hydroquinone.
Don't gamble with your skin health.
Natural creams can be every bit as effective at lightening skin as their chemical counterparts, without any of the risks or side effects.
For whitening Asian skin, give a cream containing Extrapone Nutgrass Root a try.
You may just be amazed by the results.
In this article we'll take a look at the avenues available to you and recommend a course of action you can start on right away.
Asian skin tends to be yellowish brown in color.
Tones will vary across different nationalities, regions and various genetic factors.
As with all darker skin, the color is produced by melanin.
This is the skin pigment that basically gives the skin its color.
The more melanin you have, the darker your skin, so Asians tend to have more than caucasians.
With that established, the first course of action in whitening Asian skin would be to decrease or inhibit melanin, which would naturally whiten your skin.
One of the most popular active ingredients in skin bleaching creams is Hydroquinone.
This works by inhibiting the production of melanin.
However, I would not recommend the use of Hydroquinone based creams.
Firstly, it's a chemical compound and in higher concentrations it can cause severe skin irritation.
Secondly, the FDA actually proposed a ban on the substance in 2006 due to some research and testing linking it to cancer in animals.
This is a controversial point and most dermatologists still consider it perfectly safe for human use.
Thirdly, it is suspected that Hydroquinone could cause Ochronosis, which is a permanent form of hyperpigmentation - in other words, it permanently darkens areas of the skin.
It has been found that this condition is more likely to occur in dark skinned patients who use Hydroquinone over extended periods of time.
Clearly, this is not a 100% safe substance to use.
Let's instead look at what you can use for safely and naturally whitening Asian skin.
From India we get the wonderful herb extract called Extrapone Nutgrass Root (ENR).
This is being used in natural skin creams.
In clinical trials ENR has been shown to inhibit melanin production by up to 40%, thereby naturally lightening the skin over time.
What about side effects? ENR was actually first developed as an anti-irritant before its skin whitening benefits were discovered.
It is soft and gentle on the skin and completely natural without the dangers that accompany chemicals like Hydroquinone.
Don't gamble with your skin health.
Natural creams can be every bit as effective at lightening skin as their chemical counterparts, without any of the risks or side effects.
For whitening Asian skin, give a cream containing Extrapone Nutgrass Root a try.
You may just be amazed by the results.