What"s the Record of Every Wrestler Who Competed in WrestleMania?
The following list has the records for every wrestler to compete at WrestleMania. I do not include matches held before the start of the PPV in these totals. There are many more losses than wins in this list because each match has only one winner (or two if it is a tag team match) while there can be up to 28 losses for a single match. If a wrestler has competed under different names, I have included all the matches to that wrestler and have noted their different gimmicks.
Adam Bomb 0-1
Adrian Adonis 1-1
Aguila 0-1
Ahmed Johnson 1-1
AJ Lee 1-0
Akebono 1-0
Akio 0-1
Aksana 0-1
Al Snow 0-2
Albert 1-1
Alberto Del Rio 1-2
Alicia Fox 1-2
Alundra Blayze 1-0
Andre the Giant 2-3-1
Animal 3-0
Arn Anderson 1-0
Ashley 0-2
Ax 3-0
B Brian Blair 0-3
Bad News Brown 1-0-2
Bam Bam Bigelow 1-2
Barbarian 1-2
Barry Windham 0-2
Bart Gunn 0-3
Batista 3-3
Beth Phoenix 1-3
Big Bossman 5-1
Big E Langston 0-2
Big John Studd 0-2
Big Show 4-10
Bill Fralic 0-1
Bill Goldberg 1-0
Billy Gunn 1-4
Billy Jack Haynes 0-0-1
Billy Kidman 0-1
Bob Backlund 0-2
Bob Holly 2-1
Bob Orton 0-1
Bobby Heenan 1-1
Boogey Man 1-0
Booker T 1-5
Boris Zuckhov 0-2
Brad Maddox 0-1
Bray Wyatt 0-1
Bret Hart 8-6
Brian Christopher 1-1
Brian Knobbs 1-1
Brie Bella 0-2
Brock Lesnar 2-2
Brodus Clay 0-1
Brother Love 0-1
Bruno Sammartino 0-1
Brutus Beefcake 3-2-2
Bubba Ray Dudley 0-4
Bull Buchanan 1-1
Bushwhacker Butch 1-1
Bushwhacker Luke 1-1
Butch Reed 1-1
Butterbean 1-0
Cameron 0-1
Candice Michelle 0-1
Carlito 0-2
Cesaro 1-0
Chainz 0-1
Charlie Haas 1-1
Chavo Guerrero 1-2
Chris Benoit 3-5
Chris Jericho 4-8
Chris Masters 0-1
Christian 4-5
Christy Hemme 0-1
Chuck Palumbo 1-0
Chyna 2-0
CM Punk 3-4
Cody Rhodes 1-3
Kirchner 1-0
Crash Holly 0-1
Crush 0-4
Curt Hennig 1-3
Dallas Page 1-0
Damien Sandow 0-1
Daniel Bryan 3-1
Danny Basham 0-1
Danny Davis 1-1
Danny Spivey 0-1
Darren Young 0-1
Davey Boy Smith 4-2-1
David Otunga 1-1
David Sammartino 0-0-1
Dean Ambrose 2-0
Dean Malenko 0-1
Diesel 1-1
Dink 0-1
Dino Bravo 1-3
D-Lo Brown 0-3
Doink (not Matt Borne) 0-1
Dolph Ziggler 1-4
Don Muraco 1-2-1
Dory Funk 1-0
Doug Basham 0-1
Doug Furnas 0-1
Drew McIntyre 1-2
Duke Droese 0-1
Dusty Rhodes 1-0
D-Von Dudley 0-4
Dynamite Kid 1-2
Earthquake 4-1
Eddie Guerrero 2-3
Edge 6-4
Eli Blu (8 Ball) 0-2
Elijah Burke 0-1
Emma 0-1
Ernie Holmes 0-1
Eva Marie 0-1
Evan Bourne 0-1
Eve Torres 0-3
Executioner 0-1
Ezekiel Jackson 0-1
Fabulous Moolah 1-0
Faarooq 1-5
Fandango 1-1
Finlay 0-4
Flash Funk 0-1
Floyd Mayweather Jr. 1-0
Funaki 0-2
Gail Kim 0-2
Garrison Cade 0-1
Genichiro Tenyru 1-0
George Steele 0-2
George Welles 0-1
Giant Gonzalez 0-1
Gobbledy Gooker 0-1
Goldust 0-6
Goon 0-1
Great Khali 1-2
Greg Valentine 2-5
Haiti Kid 1-0
Haku (Tonga) 1-4
Harley Race 1-1
Harvey Martin 0-1
Hawk 3-0
Headbanger Mosh 1-2
Headbanger Thrash 1-2
Heath Slater 0-2
Henry Godwinn 0-2
Hercules 1-4-1
Hillbilly Jim 1-3
Honky Tonk Man 1-2
Hulk Hogan 8-3-1
Hurricane 1-1
Iron Sheik 3-1
Ivory 0-1
Jackie Gayda 0-2
Jacob Blu (Skull) 0-2
Jack Swagger 2-1
Jacques Rougeau (The Mountie) 1-6
Jake Roberts 3-4-1
Jamie Knoble 0-1
Jazz 1-1
JBL 2-8
Jeff Hardy 0-5
Jeff Jarrett 1-1
Jerry Lawler 0-1
Jerry Saggs 1-1
Jesus Castillo 0-1
Jillian 0-1
Jim Brunzell 0-3
Jim Cornette 0-1
Jim Duggan 2-1-1
Jim Neidhardt 3-3
Jim Powers 0-1
Jimbo Covert 0-1
Jimmy Snuka 0-3
Jinder Mahal 0-1
Joey Abs 0-1
John Cena 8-3
John Morrison 1-2
Jose Estrada 0-1
Joy Giovanni 0-1
Junk Yard Dog 1-3
Justin Gabriel 0-2
Kama Mustafa (The Godfather/Goodfather) 0-3
Kamala 0-1
Kane 7-9
Kat 0-1
Katie Lea Burchill 0-1
Kato 1-0
Kelly Kelly 1-2
Ken Kennedy 1-1
Ken Patera 0-1
Ken Shamrock 0-2
Kerry Von Erich 1-0
Kevin Thorn 0-1
Kij Kitao 1-0
Kim Chee 0-1
King Kong Bundy 1-3
Kofi Kingston 1-4
Koko B Ware 0-3
Kurt Angle 3-5
Lashley 1-1
Lawrence Taylor 1-0
Layla 1-3
Lelani Kai 0-2
Lex Luger 2-1
Lita 0-1
Little Beaver 1-0
Little Tokyo 0-1
Lord Littlebrook 0-1
Luna Vachon 1-1
Mable (Viscera) 1-1
Marc Mero 1-0
Marcus Cor Von 0-1
Maria Kanellis 0-2
Maria Menounos 1-0
Mark Henry 2-4
Mark Jindrack 0-1
Marty Jannetty 1-2
Maryse 1-1
Matt Borne (Doink) 1-2
Matt Hardy 2-6
Matt Striker 0-1
Maven 1-1
Melina 2-1
Michael Cole 1-0
Michael Hayes 0-1
Michele McCool 1-2
Mick Foley (Mankind/Cactus Jack) 2-3-1
Mickie James 1-2
Miguel Perez 0-1
Mike Rotundo (IRS) 1-2
Miz 3-1
Mo 1-0
Molly Holly 1-3
Montel Vontavius Porter 0-4
Mr. Fuji 0-1
Mr. T 2-0