Competition in Online Article Writing Quantity
Some decry competition in online article quantity writing.
In fact some say that those online article websites, which promote competition to see who can write the most articles are doing a disservice to the online article submission Internet Industry sub-sector.
Well, as the top online article writer now, I must say I totally disagree because it was competition in part which drove me to write 8250 articles.
That is correct eight thousand two-hundred and fifty online articles completed and it was done in under 20-months too.
One detractor of such competition in writing stated; "There are too many directories out there to deal with this sort of attitude.
" He was referring to the competitive aspect of quantity writing of course.
In considering this, I thought to myself; well then, name one? The detractor did not reply.
In fact the no-name writer did not state who he was and one has to wonder what he was hiding from? It is easy to condemn someone with a competitive spirit and that most often occurs with those who cannot compete and yet they wish their comments heard with exclamation point and yet hide their identity, WHY? Is there an inferiority complex amongst some writers in the online Internet World? Personally, I think such comments are similar to a child or a defeated politician demanding a recount, when they know that they were beaten.
Such comments and demeaning of my personal character cannot be accepted or condoned.
Therefore such detractors should not be let off easy and should look in their mirror, what are they truly good at? Well? What is it? Shouldn't that provide them with enough self-esteem to carry on without detracting and terroristic comments of those who push beyond the norm? I guess those are some thoughts to be considered when discussion writing competitions online.
Consider all this in 2006.
In fact some say that those online article websites, which promote competition to see who can write the most articles are doing a disservice to the online article submission Internet Industry sub-sector.
Well, as the top online article writer now, I must say I totally disagree because it was competition in part which drove me to write 8250 articles.
That is correct eight thousand two-hundred and fifty online articles completed and it was done in under 20-months too.
One detractor of such competition in writing stated; "There are too many directories out there to deal with this sort of attitude.
" He was referring to the competitive aspect of quantity writing of course.
In considering this, I thought to myself; well then, name one? The detractor did not reply.
In fact the no-name writer did not state who he was and one has to wonder what he was hiding from? It is easy to condemn someone with a competitive spirit and that most often occurs with those who cannot compete and yet they wish their comments heard with exclamation point and yet hide their identity, WHY? Is there an inferiority complex amongst some writers in the online Internet World? Personally, I think such comments are similar to a child or a defeated politician demanding a recount, when they know that they were beaten.
Such comments and demeaning of my personal character cannot be accepted or condoned.
Therefore such detractors should not be let off easy and should look in their mirror, what are they truly good at? Well? What is it? Shouldn't that provide them with enough self-esteem to carry on without detracting and terroristic comments of those who push beyond the norm? I guess those are some thoughts to be considered when discussion writing competitions online.
Consider all this in 2006.