Breast Implants ~ When should I panic?
I read a note from a lady on today that made me realize, what I tell our patients as a matter of fact, some women never hear at all before or after surgery - - then they are left to their own devices to let fear run rampant which can often lead to assumptions that simply aren't true which can lead to unhappy patients for no reason at all! When a surgeon takes you on as a patient, they are responsible for your total experience - - not just your OR experience - - that means communication between breast implant surgeons and patients, much like the communication between parent and child. Here's her note:
"Help! 2 days post-op and only measuring for a 34B rop
Pre-op was AA left and A right, post op is 400 cc L and 380 cc Rt. I measured myself to see what my size is:
29 inch ribcage + 5 = 34 and measurement around is 36, so 36 - 34 = B CUP!
Please tell me I will get to my goal of med to full c cup! I know I have to drop and fluff, but it's killing me!
Please, post-op ladies, calm my nerves and you would make this 38 yr old Mom of 2 so very happy!"
If only someone had sat down with this patient and conveyed the following as I do with our patients.....
To avoid this type of panic, dismay and disappointment, I always give our patients a time line to watch for and live through - - this makes their immediate post op experience much more relaxed and easy to go through. So here it is for you and for everyone else in your shoes:
4-6 weeks your breasts will be too high, tight and looked permanently pushed up
3 months - you can finally go try on bras and figure out what new cup size you will be
6-9 months - expect shooting pains and tingles and general wierdness because your nerves are waking up
12 months - your insicion is finally healed and you have passed the greatest risk period for capsular contracture
You can't tell what cup size you are at 2 days post op because it takes longer for the widest part of the implant to settle into the bottom part of the pocket. When the lower pole if full, then you will better be able to tell what new size you are.
2 days is too soon to judge anything - just play with the look you have now, knowing with confidence that it is going to change alot over the next several months!
I hope this helps calm your nerves and keeps you from spending too much on new bras right now - - save that for later!
If something is a surprise to a my opinion, it is a problem.
"Help! 2 days post-op and only measuring for a 34B rop
Pre-op was AA left and A right, post op is 400 cc L and 380 cc Rt. I measured myself to see what my size is:
29 inch ribcage + 5 = 34 and measurement around is 36, so 36 - 34 = B CUP!
Please tell me I will get to my goal of med to full c cup! I know I have to drop and fluff, but it's killing me!
Please, post-op ladies, calm my nerves and you would make this 38 yr old Mom of 2 so very happy!"
If only someone had sat down with this patient and conveyed the following as I do with our patients.....
To avoid this type of panic, dismay and disappointment, I always give our patients a time line to watch for and live through - - this makes their immediate post op experience much more relaxed and easy to go through. So here it is for you and for everyone else in your shoes:
4-6 weeks your breasts will be too high, tight and looked permanently pushed up
3 months - you can finally go try on bras and figure out what new cup size you will be
6-9 months - expect shooting pains and tingles and general wierdness because your nerves are waking up
12 months - your insicion is finally healed and you have passed the greatest risk period for capsular contracture
You can't tell what cup size you are at 2 days post op because it takes longer for the widest part of the implant to settle into the bottom part of the pocket. When the lower pole if full, then you will better be able to tell what new size you are.
2 days is too soon to judge anything - just play with the look you have now, knowing with confidence that it is going to change alot over the next several months!
I hope this helps calm your nerves and keeps you from spending too much on new bras right now - - save that for later!
If something is a surprise to a my opinion, it is a problem.