Grants to Get Rid of Debt
- The government provides grants to get money back in your image by Bradlee Mauer from
For many people, being in debt has become a normal state of existence. With credit cards, student loans, mortgages and car payments, average Americans are swimming in debt. Others factors contributing to debt are medical bills and bad investments. Although it can seem as though the system is set up to put people in debt, the federal government does provide grants to get those in need out of the red. - According to the federal website, a grant is "an award of financial assistance from a federal agency to a recipient to carry out a public purpose of support or stimulation authorized by a law of the United States." In other words, a government grant is not "free money," but rather a way of helping citizens who will in turn be able to provide for society in some kind of meaningful way. (See Reference 1.)
- Government grants allow people to put money back into the cart image by dethchimo from
When people are spending all their money on their debt, they aren't spending on goods and services, which creates a problem for the overall economy. By providing grants to assist those in debt, the government is allowing people to spend money again, which buoys the economy. Grants also help to keep people from filing for bankruptcy, which is also healthier for the economy. (See Reference 2.) - Generally, government grants are easier for those in debt to procure than loans. Loans require collateral, whereas grants require documentation of need. Additionally, loans must be repaid, and grants generally do not. However, the process for receiving a grant is much longer than the typical loan application process. (See Reference 2.)
- The federal government has more than 1,000 different grant programs, which are divided into 26 categories. You can search through these grants on the official government grant website, There is also specific information about each of the categories and grants, and you can even apply for grants and track your application on the website. (See Reference 3.)
What is a Government Grant?
Why Provide Grants?
Grants vs. Loans
Types of Grants