How to Grow Avocado Plants From Seed
- 1). Insert three or four toothpicks halfway down the side of a clean avocado seed, spaced evenly apart.
- 2). Fill a drinking glass with water. Balance the seed on the edge of the glass with the pointed part facing up out of the water. The bottom one-quarter of the seed should be submerged in the water.
- 3). Place the glass with the seed in a sunny window. Keep adding water so the bottom of the seed is always wet.
- 4). Look for roots within a month of starting the seed. If you do not see growth within three months, begin another seed.
- 5). Plant the seed in a container with general-use commercial potting soil when the root system is at least 2 inches long and a stem has sprouted from the top of the seed. The top of the seed should be just above the surface of the soil. Place the plant in good but indirect light.
- 6). Water the plant thoroughly, keep it in a bright window, and make sure the soil remains damp, but not wet. Fertilize with a houseplant fertilizer once a month in spring and summer, and every three months in autumn and winter. Expect the plant to grow big quickly, so keep it in a place where it has room to grow.