How to Stop the Buzzing in Your Ears
- 1). Go to the doctor for a diagnosis on the cause and permanency of the buzzing in your ears. The doctor may prescribe medication to help. The doctor can lower a dose or prescribe a different medication if a prescription is the origin of the tinnitus. A doctor can also suggest therapy from an audiologist to help you cope with permanent buzzing.
- 2). Use a white noise machine to mask the buzzing in your ears. The white noise provided by some sound machines is soothing and distracts from the annoyance of the buzzing. Some sound machines are portable. Choose one that fits in or behind your ear for an option that can be used anywhere, anytime. Utilize another type of sound machine, a music player. Listen to music to help you relax and forget about the buzzing. Be careful to keep the volume at a safe level. Loud noise can increase or aggravate the buzzing.
- 3). Wear a hearing aid, at your doctor's recommendation, if the buzzing is constant. A hearing aid is used to diminish the buzzing and enhance the sounds you want to hear.
- 4). Relocate or change your environment if the buzzing is noise-related. Request a different prescription if the buzzing is medication related. The Center for Hearing Loss recommends additional options beyond those already mentioned. They suggest avoiding foods that increase the buzzing, reducing stress, and keeping clear of allergens.
How to Stop the Buzzing in Your Ears