Poker Books - Do they help?
There are lots of books in the market and all of them are trying to help you improve your game or to be honest - they are trying to help how to make more money. But can they do it?
Or better question is: To You want to make more money and improve your game? 99 % of us say yes, but do not to anything about it. Maybe we read some forum posts or look up some videos in youtube, but only few of us really go into the depth and take some time to our selves and read something that could really help us. Why's that? I believe that's because the same reason i mentioned earlier "there are to many books in the market and we couldn't be sure that they really help us"
So what's the solution? Very simple really - the easiest way is to find it out yourself. Let's make an example: you are a small 6 max cash table player, it do not matter if you are playing poker for fun or you are really trying to pay your' bills (we all like to make money), who's playing NL20 or even NL50 and week after week you are getting closer to understanding that you lose money and your high hopes of making money with poker are going down the drain... To get to the point - lets draw a line between making a buy in to NL20 table or buying one poker book (example: "how to beat your opponents in 6 max cash tables") with 20$ - which sounds like a better investment after week's of losing? Yes, i tough so.
So even if that 20$ book wont help you right away, you still have more knowledge about poker then you had before. And more knowledge you have about some specific thing, regularly means - you get better at it. But in my own experience I could honestly say that every Book I've ever read has given me something and Im absolutely sure that you agree with me after you finish reading your first poker book.
So where to start? It's your choice really, you can start reading by hundreds of poker book reviews and sort out the ones you feel that will suit best to your needs (depends if you are tournament, sit'n'go or cash game player) or you can go directly to web-page's that sell poker books []. Most of these web-page's have brought the most popular and best selling products to their front page so i will advise you to start from there. But if the webpage has "specials or discounts" running then this is also a good place to check out because sometimes its possible to get a good book under 10$ (it's less then most of the pots you lose in NL20)
So look around, make your choice and start reading you simply cant lose.
Good luck at the tables and remember: reading poker books is the first step to winning.
Or better question is: To You want to make more money and improve your game? 99 % of us say yes, but do not to anything about it. Maybe we read some forum posts or look up some videos in youtube, but only few of us really go into the depth and take some time to our selves and read something that could really help us. Why's that? I believe that's because the same reason i mentioned earlier "there are to many books in the market and we couldn't be sure that they really help us"
So what's the solution? Very simple really - the easiest way is to find it out yourself. Let's make an example: you are a small 6 max cash table player, it do not matter if you are playing poker for fun or you are really trying to pay your' bills (we all like to make money), who's playing NL20 or even NL50 and week after week you are getting closer to understanding that you lose money and your high hopes of making money with poker are going down the drain... To get to the point - lets draw a line between making a buy in to NL20 table or buying one poker book (example: "how to beat your opponents in 6 max cash tables") with 20$ - which sounds like a better investment after week's of losing? Yes, i tough so.
So even if that 20$ book wont help you right away, you still have more knowledge about poker then you had before. And more knowledge you have about some specific thing, regularly means - you get better at it. But in my own experience I could honestly say that every Book I've ever read has given me something and Im absolutely sure that you agree with me after you finish reading your first poker book.
So where to start? It's your choice really, you can start reading by hundreds of poker book reviews and sort out the ones you feel that will suit best to your needs (depends if you are tournament, sit'n'go or cash game player) or you can go directly to web-page's that sell poker books []. Most of these web-page's have brought the most popular and best selling products to their front page so i will advise you to start from there. But if the webpage has "specials or discounts" running then this is also a good place to check out because sometimes its possible to get a good book under 10$ (it's less then most of the pots you lose in NL20)
So look around, make your choice and start reading you simply cant lose.
Good luck at the tables and remember: reading poker books is the first step to winning.