The Bradley Method & Pregnancy Diet
- Living a healthy, responsible and self-aware lifestyle is a key element to the Bradley Method, which also emphasizes a natural, drug-free childbirth. These strategies are strengthened through Bradley Method classes, which should be taken in the last trimester of pregnancy. The 12-week classes teach students how to incorporate these strategies into not just pregnancy care and the birthing process, but the overall process of raising a baby and a healthy family as well. This is all discussed in a 125-page workbook that's given to students. Pregnancy exercises that promote health and good circulation, birthing positions that minimize labor pain, breastfeeding, nutrition and healthy living are all core to successfully mastering the Bradley Method, as is trusting one's body, listening to one's intuition and responding in kind during childbirth. The Bradley classes also help the husband, or birthing partner, become a supportive and active participant in the birthing process. Enrollment in Bradley classes is limited to three to six couples in order to keep the focus on the families. Classes are taught by Bradley-certified instructors who have extensive training in childbirth education. Male teachers are certified by the American Academy of Husband-Coached Childbirth. Classes are held for 12 weeks. To sign up for a Bradley class visit
- Appreciating the role of the mother as baby carrier and baby caregiver is central to the Bradley Method of pregnancy and childbirth. However, part of fulfilling that role successfully falls to the father, or birthing partner, which is why there are two Bradley classes focused exclusively on the coach's role during childbirth and after-care. Even with the proper relaxation and breathing techniques, a natural childbirth may not be easy. That's why a Bradley Method father must be supportive and active, acting as a birthing coach, or doula. Fathers will learn what to expect during the labor process, how to assist the woman with birthing positions, relaxation techniques and how to be an advocate for the soon-to-be mother. Bradley classes also discuss the father's role as it relates to breastfeeding.
- Protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables should be the primary foods of the Bradley pregnancy diet. Whole grain cereal, baked potatoes and fruits that are yellow or orange are especially good to eat. Strive to eat two eggs, one citrus fruit, one quart of milk, two to three slices of whole wheat bread or tortillas and one to two servings of fish and green leafy vegetables every day. Liver can be eaten once a week, and food can be salted to taste. You should also drink lots of fluids on the Bradley pregnancy diet. No matter how a woman chooses to customize this diet, you should eat approximately 100gm of protein every day.
Understanding the Bradley Values
Becoming a Doula
Creating a Pregnancy Diet