What All Website Content Writers Need to Know BEFORE They Touch Their Keyboard
Before you start any copywriting project you need to ask yourself €why am I creating this website content?€
Writers need to have a clear goal of what they want their work to achieve before they begin writing. You wouldn't follow a recipe without knowing what it was you were cooking and the same applies to writing.
What Do You Want Your Writing to Achieve?
What do you want the people read your writing to do? This varies with each project but if you're writing for the internet, your goal could be€¦
1. Increase the number of visitors to your website.
2. Increase the number of people who buy from your website.
3. Increase the number of people who contact you to enquire about your service.
It might also be something as simple as giving your visitors more information about your product. However, if you don't include a way for them to contact you or buy from you then you're missing a sales opportunity. Take a moment to think about what you want your writing to achieve.
As website content writers, all of Pure Ink Creative's writing aims to achieve these two goals€¦
1. To increase the number of visitors to our website through SEO copywriting techniques.
2. To persuade people to contact us so we can provide them with a copywriting service.
Once you know what you want your writing to achieve then you can target every piece of content you create to get that response.
The Call To Action
Good website content writers include strong calls to action throughout their text. Once you know what you want your writing to achieve and have written the content you must tell people how to contact you or where to buy from. For example on every page of our website we either have a link to the contact us page or our telephone number and email address so people know how to contact us. If people have to search around for contact details it won't be long before they visit your competitors instead.
Did You Get The Response You Wanted?
Now you know what your writing was meant to achieve, you can see if it worked. Did rewriting your homepage increase the amount of people who contacted you? Did rewriting a product description increase the amount of sales you received? If not then rewrite the copy again and see if the results improve.
Ask the expert website content writers at Pure Ink Creative how you can reach your writing goals.
Writers need to have a clear goal of what they want their work to achieve before they begin writing. You wouldn't follow a recipe without knowing what it was you were cooking and the same applies to writing.
What Do You Want Your Writing to Achieve?
What do you want the people read your writing to do? This varies with each project but if you're writing for the internet, your goal could be€¦
1. Increase the number of visitors to your website.
2. Increase the number of people who buy from your website.
3. Increase the number of people who contact you to enquire about your service.
It might also be something as simple as giving your visitors more information about your product. However, if you don't include a way for them to contact you or buy from you then you're missing a sales opportunity. Take a moment to think about what you want your writing to achieve.
As website content writers, all of Pure Ink Creative's writing aims to achieve these two goals€¦
1. To increase the number of visitors to our website through SEO copywriting techniques.
2. To persuade people to contact us so we can provide them with a copywriting service.
Once you know what you want your writing to achieve then you can target every piece of content you create to get that response.
The Call To Action
Good website content writers include strong calls to action throughout their text. Once you know what you want your writing to achieve and have written the content you must tell people how to contact you or where to buy from. For example on every page of our website we either have a link to the contact us page or our telephone number and email address so people know how to contact us. If people have to search around for contact details it won't be long before they visit your competitors instead.
Did You Get The Response You Wanted?
Now you know what your writing was meant to achieve, you can see if it worked. Did rewriting your homepage increase the amount of people who contacted you? Did rewriting a product description increase the amount of sales you received? If not then rewrite the copy again and see if the results improve.
Ask the expert website content writers at Pure Ink Creative how you can reach your writing goals.