Affirmations - Positive Self-Talk
Imagine that your friend is down on herself and you want to encourage her by saying positive things to buoy her spirits.
What are some of the things you will say to make her feel better? The same thing goes for self.
When you feel down or begin to doubt yourself, you also need to find words of encouragement to redirect your focus and stimulate positive thoughts within you.
Talk yourself into feeling better.
Allow the continuous flow of positive talk to replace your negative inner critic at work.
Positive affirmations and self-talk helps to produce positive thinking.
When you talk to yourself in positive ways, this does not mean you are crazy.
It only means:
Do it continuously making it a daily habit.
It will propel you to new heights.
Benefits of Positive Affirmations Success in life depends to a great extent on a positive state of mind.
In order to accomplish any goal you must be optimistic and motivated to take action.
There are times when discouragements and doubts set in and you are the only one available to bolster your spirits and get you motivated again.
This is where the positive self-talk comes in handy.
Let us examine some common doubts and self-criticism and how to counter them with positive self-talk.
Negative thought: I can't make it to the gym today.
I don't; feel like it.
Positive self-talk: I can do this.
I know once I get to the gym I will feel better.
Come on, let's go.
I can, I can I can do this.
Negative thought: I'm never going to finish this project on time.
Positive Self-talk: I know I can finish this project on time.
If I do 1 more hour each day, I can pull it off.
I can do this do.
I know I can.
I will get this done.
Negative thought: I am not good at anything, I wish I were ______.
Positive self-talk: I am capable.
In the past I have been able to do____ and ____.
I know I'm good and I can do anything I want.
Yes, I can.
These are just some ideas of how to go about feeding positive information to you.
Do this as many times you can throughout your day.
Let it become habit forming.
By doing so:
Once the self-talk is continuous, over time our conscious mind takes action and our behavior changes.
This is a conditioning technique that you can use to self-motivate, which can lead to constructive outcomes in your lives.
The same works for negative self-talk.
The inner critic slowly feeds negative feedback to the subconscious and before long your start believing the negative self-talk.
Your persona changes and a downward spiral begin to take place in your life.
The doldrums set in, self-doubt, weakened self-confidence, and then it becomes even more difficult to climb out of it.
We become what we feed our minds.
Positive self-talk only works if you truly believe what you are telling yourself.
If your affirmations are not genuine, the subconscious knows and they would be ineffective.
You must believe the affirmations! They must be spoken without any doubt and with complete sincerity.
Positive self-talk only works when it is consistent.
If conditioning must take effect it has to be continuous.
The neurochemical pathways in the brain are reinforced with daily repetition of positive feedback to self.
The subconscious can let go of the negative beliefs and they become slowly replaced by the positive information received.
Post reminders in your car, office, at home, or school.
Allow the visual cues to trigger affirmative statements of your worth.
Your attitude is a reflection of your thought process.
You are what you think.
The mental food your feed the mind determines your actions and behaviors.
Feed positive affirmations and reap positive results.
Give Positive Affirmations The wonderful thing about positive self-talk is that is comes from within you.
You get the credit for motivating you, which is an empowering feeling.
It is an opportunity to use the power within you to bring about valuable changes in your life.
The following are tips on how to carry out positive self-affirmations: 1.
Always use the first person singular pronoun "I" when giving self-affirmations.
Remember the affirmations are only to self, so they must be subjective in nature and addressed to you.
This personalizes the affirmation and allows more conscious awareness of the constructive feedback.
This slowly replaces the negative beliefs lodged in the subconscious.
The positive self-talk must be brief, short, positive statements.
It must be easy to remember, powerful, concise verbalizations that can be repeated continuously like a mantra.
For example, I am a good person, I am positive, I am ambitious, and I am motivated.
Positive affirmations must be spoken in the present tense.
This means the feedback is already occurring.
It is not something that will occur in the future or has happened and continues to happen.
For example, avoid statements that begin with "I am going to", or "I would like to.
" 4.
Positive self-talk must be realistic and believable.
You cannot trick your subconscious into believing something that is not so.
You also cannot believe other peoples criticisms of you.
You must be real and true to self.
Be open to receiving the truth about you and believe it.
Give yourself reminders.
Use small post it notes to remind you of positive self-talk.
Every time you find yourself saying something negative about yourself turn it around and replace it with something positive.
Let this be habit forming.
Begin today to empower yourself by using positive self-talk and affirmations.
Observe the transformation taking place in your life and give yourself the credit.
What are some of the things you will say to make her feel better? The same thing goes for self.
When you feel down or begin to doubt yourself, you also need to find words of encouragement to redirect your focus and stimulate positive thoughts within you.
Talk yourself into feeling better.
Allow the continuous flow of positive talk to replace your negative inner critic at work.
Positive affirmations and self-talk helps to produce positive thinking.
When you talk to yourself in positive ways, this does not mean you are crazy.
It only means:
- You have found a brilliant way to motivate yourself.
- You know how to positively reinforce your own efforts.
- You are constantly reminding you of how capable you are.
- You are suppressing your self-doubts and accentuating your strength and skills.
- You are boosting your self-confidence.
- You are staying true to your goals.
- You are a winner!
Do it continuously making it a daily habit.
It will propel you to new heights.
Benefits of Positive Affirmations Success in life depends to a great extent on a positive state of mind.
In order to accomplish any goal you must be optimistic and motivated to take action.
There are times when discouragements and doubts set in and you are the only one available to bolster your spirits and get you motivated again.
This is where the positive self-talk comes in handy.
Let us examine some common doubts and self-criticism and how to counter them with positive self-talk.
Negative thought: I can't make it to the gym today.
I don't; feel like it.
Positive self-talk: I can do this.
I know once I get to the gym I will feel better.
Come on, let's go.
I can, I can I can do this.
Negative thought: I'm never going to finish this project on time.
Positive Self-talk: I know I can finish this project on time.
If I do 1 more hour each day, I can pull it off.
I can do this do.
I know I can.
I will get this done.
Negative thought: I am not good at anything, I wish I were ______.
Positive self-talk: I am capable.
In the past I have been able to do____ and ____.
I know I'm good and I can do anything I want.
Yes, I can.
These are just some ideas of how to go about feeding positive information to you.
Do this as many times you can throughout your day.
Let it become habit forming.
By doing so:
- problems will be seen as challenges and you will confront difficult situations with ease
- your perception of you will drastically improve each day
- your confidence in your ability will heighten
- your self-esteem will improve
- your state of well-being will improve
- you will gain more friends and influence others
- you will have more self-control and discipline
- you will achieve more
Once the self-talk is continuous, over time our conscious mind takes action and our behavior changes.
This is a conditioning technique that you can use to self-motivate, which can lead to constructive outcomes in your lives.
The same works for negative self-talk.
The inner critic slowly feeds negative feedback to the subconscious and before long your start believing the negative self-talk.
Your persona changes and a downward spiral begin to take place in your life.
The doldrums set in, self-doubt, weakened self-confidence, and then it becomes even more difficult to climb out of it.
We become what we feed our minds.
Positive self-talk only works if you truly believe what you are telling yourself.
If your affirmations are not genuine, the subconscious knows and they would be ineffective.
You must believe the affirmations! They must be spoken without any doubt and with complete sincerity.
Positive self-talk only works when it is consistent.
If conditioning must take effect it has to be continuous.
The neurochemical pathways in the brain are reinforced with daily repetition of positive feedback to self.
The subconscious can let go of the negative beliefs and they become slowly replaced by the positive information received.
Post reminders in your car, office, at home, or school.
Allow the visual cues to trigger affirmative statements of your worth.
Your attitude is a reflection of your thought process.
You are what you think.
The mental food your feed the mind determines your actions and behaviors.
Feed positive affirmations and reap positive results.
Give Positive Affirmations The wonderful thing about positive self-talk is that is comes from within you.
You get the credit for motivating you, which is an empowering feeling.
It is an opportunity to use the power within you to bring about valuable changes in your life.
The following are tips on how to carry out positive self-affirmations: 1.
Always use the first person singular pronoun "I" when giving self-affirmations.
Remember the affirmations are only to self, so they must be subjective in nature and addressed to you.
This personalizes the affirmation and allows more conscious awareness of the constructive feedback.
This slowly replaces the negative beliefs lodged in the subconscious.
The positive self-talk must be brief, short, positive statements.
It must be easy to remember, powerful, concise verbalizations that can be repeated continuously like a mantra.
For example, I am a good person, I am positive, I am ambitious, and I am motivated.
Positive affirmations must be spoken in the present tense.
This means the feedback is already occurring.
It is not something that will occur in the future or has happened and continues to happen.
For example, avoid statements that begin with "I am going to", or "I would like to.
" 4.
Positive self-talk must be realistic and believable.
You cannot trick your subconscious into believing something that is not so.
You also cannot believe other peoples criticisms of you.
You must be real and true to self.
Be open to receiving the truth about you and believe it.
Give yourself reminders.
Use small post it notes to remind you of positive self-talk.
Every time you find yourself saying something negative about yourself turn it around and replace it with something positive.
Let this be habit forming.
Begin today to empower yourself by using positive self-talk and affirmations.
Observe the transformation taking place in your life and give yourself the credit.