Solar Roof Tiles - Solar Power Without the Solar Look
If you're like a lot of people these da?s wh??re?onsidering the installati?n of solar power in their homes,?ou may n?t?now the d?fference between solar roof tiles and? solar p?nels. And the distinction is?mportant becaus? th? one thing that prevents man? folk? fro? enj?ying th? benefits of s?lar pow?r i? that t?ey ar? afraid of ruining t?e appearance of the?r home.
S??hat is the diff?rence between? home equ?pped w?th solar panels?s. one with solar roof tiles? It?s not hard t? notice. Solar panels ar? those la?ge, cumbersome unit? that often a?e p?rched?top the roof?f a ho?se, making it lo?k t? some people like s?mething?ut of a scienc? fiction movie.
To install the panels properly,?t is?ften nece?sary fo? additional roof framing or roof penetration. And if?ours i? the first house on t?e?lock to install?olar panels,?ou might have to endu?e lots of funny looks and derog?tory comment? fro? th? neighbors.
On t?e other hand, solar roof tiles ar? m?ch le?s obt?usive than solar p?nels. As the name impli?s, solar roof tiles a?e incorporat?d int? your ex?sting roof, wh?ther?t consists?f asphalt shingle? o? m?st other common types. One shingle weighs?bout 2.5 po?nds per?quare foot,?o t?ey?re generally ea?y to work with when?t comes to inst?llation.
The? tend to?e? da?k bluish-gray in color, s? they blend in easily with mo?t existing roof t?pes. And th? best thing?s that they provide for? se?mless look, so th? untrained eye will not?e able t? tell t?e difference.
But perhap? the best thing about solar roof tiles?s how they h?lp yo??ave?n you? energy bill. One tile puts out about 50 to 200?atts?f energy, wh?ch is abo?t a? muc??s a?mall window fan. W?ile th?s m?y n?t s?und l?ke much, if you incorporate t?e tiles into y?ur entire roof, you should be a?le to s?pply enough energy for your entir??ouse.
And?f you are fort?nate?nough to l?ve in? sunny state s?ch as California, Flor?da, or Ari?ona, you m?y?ven produ?e more energy th?n you need. You can then sell t?is exc?ss energy back to the local power company, further red?cing you? energ? costs.
S??hat is the diff?rence between? home equ?pped w?th solar panels?s. one with solar roof tiles? It?s not hard t? notice. Solar panels ar? those la?ge, cumbersome unit? that often a?e p?rched?top the roof?f a ho?se, making it lo?k t? some people like s?mething?ut of a scienc? fiction movie.
To install the panels properly,?t is?ften nece?sary fo? additional roof framing or roof penetration. And if?ours i? the first house on t?e?lock to install?olar panels,?ou might have to endu?e lots of funny looks and derog?tory comment? fro? th? neighbors.
On t?e other hand, solar roof tiles ar? m?ch le?s obt?usive than solar p?nels. As the name impli?s, solar roof tiles a?e incorporat?d int? your ex?sting roof, wh?ther?t consists?f asphalt shingle? o? m?st other common types. One shingle weighs?bout 2.5 po?nds per?quare foot,?o t?ey?re generally ea?y to work with when?t comes to inst?llation.
The? tend to?e? da?k bluish-gray in color, s? they blend in easily with mo?t existing roof t?pes. And th? best thing?s that they provide for? se?mless look, so th? untrained eye will not?e able t? tell t?e difference.
But perhap? the best thing about solar roof tiles?s how they h?lp yo??ave?n you? energy bill. One tile puts out about 50 to 200?atts?f energy, wh?ch is abo?t a? muc??s a?mall window fan. W?ile th?s m?y n?t s?und l?ke much, if you incorporate t?e tiles into y?ur entire roof, you should be a?le to s?pply enough energy for your entir??ouse.
And?f you are fort?nate?nough to l?ve in? sunny state s?ch as California, Flor?da, or Ari?ona, you m?y?ven produ?e more energy th?n you need. You can then sell t?is exc?ss energy back to the local power company, further red?cing you? energ? costs.