The Undertaker
This section of the website will allow you to learn everything you ever wanted to know about the life and career of the Undertaker.
Profile of the Undertaker
Who is the Undertaker?
The Streak
A look back at the Undertaker's incredible undefeated winning streak at WrestleMania.
Undertaker Timeline
Try and keep track of the matches with spooky stipulations.
The Myths and Urban Legends About the Undertaker
Due to the nature and length of the Undertaker gimmick, there are many myths and urban legends about his career.
This article separates what is real from what is fake.
Undertaker Photo Gallery
Photos of the Undertaker during both his biker and dead-man eras.
The History of Televised WWE Weddings
The Undertaker was almost the son-in-law of Vince McMahon.
The Scariest Wrestlers
Where does the Undertaker rank on my list of scary wrestlers?
Review of Tombstone: The History of the Undertaker
Is 9 hours of footage enough to cover over a decade-and-a-half of domination?
Review of The Undertaker's Deadliest Matches
This DVD features the "deadly" themed matches that have taken place during his career.
Buy Undertaker Merchandise
The Undertaker's Deadliest Matches
This 3-disc set features 21 matches.
Undertaker 15-0
This DVD features highlights from his first 15 matches at WrestleMania.
Tombstone: The History of the Undertaker
This 3-disc set is made up entirely of matches.
Undertaker: This is My Yard
This DVD is half-documentary and half-matches. Undertaker is interviewed for this DVD during his biker phase and footage of him wrestling prior to the Undertaker gimmick is shown.
Undertaker: He Buries Them Alive
This DVD is a re-release of a mid-'90s Coliseum Home Video.