Herbs to Treat Depression Can Provide Natural Relief
The idea that herbs to treat depression will work for everyone is simply wishful thinking.
That said, there currently is no one treatment for depression which works 100% of the time.
The most likely reason for this is that depression is a complicated condition involving personal experiences and brain chemistry that has yet to be accurately deciphered.
So while we do know from observation that some treatments work we still don't fully understand why.
The idea of herbs to treat depression has been popular in Europe for many years and continues to be to this day.
Their seem to be somewhat of a divide in thinking between conventional medicine and complementary medicine in regards to how to treat depression.
Convention western medicine is firmly behind prescription medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) despite the side effects and withdrawal symptoms.
Naturopathic medicine and many eastern cultures are firmly behind the idea of finding an effective herbal depression remedy and combining it with lifestyle adjustments, such as diet modification and exercise is the more effective path.
Every unique case of depression provides its own unique set of circumstances and perhaps merits can be found in either approach.
Now let's move on to commonly uses herbs to treat depression.
John's wort is currently the most extensively researched herbal depression remedy.
The main advantage of using St.
John's wort extract as opposed to antidepressant drugs has been found to be not so much a difference in therapeutic outcome, but rather a significant advantage in terms of side effects, affordability, and overall patient satisfaction.
Additionally, it is considered by Chinese medicine practitioners to be an excellent detoxifying agent and a good way to improve overall liver function.
Obviously it is no accident that St.
John's worth is rated the best in the category of herbs to treat depression.
There are a couple of caveats though.
First and foremost you should check with your doctor for any possible prescription drug interactions and secondarily be aware that St.
John's wort when taken on an empty stomach can cause mild stomach discomfort.
Passionflower is often used as a compliment to St.
Johns wort and is considered by many naturopathic the second best of the herbs to treat anxiety and depression.
As many of you know anxiety often turns into depression and passionflower is perhaps the foremost herb used when it comes to anxiety.
While the two herbs listed above are likely the two best herbs for depression there are a number of others which only have anecdotal evidence to support their efficacy.
These would include basil, black hellebore, clove, ginger, oat straw, rosemary, sage, thyme, ginkgo biloba, and kava (not approved for use in United States).
What Next? Certainly is you are suffering from depression finding help should be your number one priority.
You will have a number of different options including conventional medications, psychotherapy, and natural remedies all of which approach depression in different ways; with each method having its benefits.
While this may be true many people are choosing to give herbs to treat depression a try due to their lack of side effects.
As discussed above the two of the most effective herbal ingredients commonly used to overcome depression are St.
John's wort and passionflower.
Herbal remedies which are able to harness the power of St.
John's wort and passionflower are a safe and effective way to treat depression and can be used both as a standalone treatment, or when called for, in combination with other non-prescription therapies for maximum impact.
That said, there currently is no one treatment for depression which works 100% of the time.
The most likely reason for this is that depression is a complicated condition involving personal experiences and brain chemistry that has yet to be accurately deciphered.
So while we do know from observation that some treatments work we still don't fully understand why.
The idea of herbs to treat depression has been popular in Europe for many years and continues to be to this day.
Their seem to be somewhat of a divide in thinking between conventional medicine and complementary medicine in regards to how to treat depression.
Convention western medicine is firmly behind prescription medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) despite the side effects and withdrawal symptoms.
Naturopathic medicine and many eastern cultures are firmly behind the idea of finding an effective herbal depression remedy and combining it with lifestyle adjustments, such as diet modification and exercise is the more effective path.
Every unique case of depression provides its own unique set of circumstances and perhaps merits can be found in either approach.
Now let's move on to commonly uses herbs to treat depression.
John's wort is currently the most extensively researched herbal depression remedy.
The main advantage of using St.
John's wort extract as opposed to antidepressant drugs has been found to be not so much a difference in therapeutic outcome, but rather a significant advantage in terms of side effects, affordability, and overall patient satisfaction.
Additionally, it is considered by Chinese medicine practitioners to be an excellent detoxifying agent and a good way to improve overall liver function.
Obviously it is no accident that St.
John's worth is rated the best in the category of herbs to treat depression.
There are a couple of caveats though.
First and foremost you should check with your doctor for any possible prescription drug interactions and secondarily be aware that St.
John's wort when taken on an empty stomach can cause mild stomach discomfort.
Passionflower is often used as a compliment to St.
Johns wort and is considered by many naturopathic the second best of the herbs to treat anxiety and depression.
As many of you know anxiety often turns into depression and passionflower is perhaps the foremost herb used when it comes to anxiety.
While the two herbs listed above are likely the two best herbs for depression there are a number of others which only have anecdotal evidence to support their efficacy.
These would include basil, black hellebore, clove, ginger, oat straw, rosemary, sage, thyme, ginkgo biloba, and kava (not approved for use in United States).
What Next? Certainly is you are suffering from depression finding help should be your number one priority.
You will have a number of different options including conventional medications, psychotherapy, and natural remedies all of which approach depression in different ways; with each method having its benefits.
While this may be true many people are choosing to give herbs to treat depression a try due to their lack of side effects.
As discussed above the two of the most effective herbal ingredients commonly used to overcome depression are St.
John's wort and passionflower.
Herbal remedies which are able to harness the power of St.
John's wort and passionflower are a safe and effective way to treat depression and can be used both as a standalone treatment, or when called for, in combination with other non-prescription therapies for maximum impact.