Five Ways You Can Improve Your Search Positioning Through Social Media
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be hard and frustrating enough for businesses looking to get ahead of their larger competitors online especially those with deeper pockets.
To make matters worse, there is a lot of confusion surrounding how to utilize social media websites to benefit a search engine optimization campaign.
So let's take a look at five different ways you can aid your search engine optimization results through social media.
For starters, try optimizing the following pieces of social media content to contribute to your SEO campaign: 1.
Filenames -- be sure to include your primary keywords with in your filenames whenever possible.
Obviously, you don't want to go overboard with this but it is a good idea to include a keyword in your filenames instead of some random characters and numbers that make no sense.
After all, your content will likely be discovered quickest through search engines and filenames are one of the key things indexed within the search engine database.
Tags -- this probably seems rather obvious, but he will make sure that you include at least a few of your targeted keywords as tags where applicable.
This will help searchers find your content easier especially things like videos, photos, or podcasts.
Note: tags are very similar to the old keyword meta-tag in early search engine optimization days.
As more people abuse tags, the less weight they will carry search engines, but they have a value today.
Descriptions-- much like the description tag for a webpage, descriptions within social media survey similar purpose: to better inform searchers and visitors what the content is all about so be sure to include a keyword or two with in your descriptions where appropriate.
Anchor text -- when composing links to external sites (especially yours), it is a good idea to use descriptive text to describe the link (also known as anchor text).
A long drawn out website address doesn't serve a whole lot of good unless it uses descriptive keywords in the address space (not that common).
Therefore it is up to you to make sure that the text that you use to link to other sites and forms the would be visitor what the link is about.
Notes -- this is very similar to the description tag, but you can add notes for things such as photos, podcasts, documents, and videos that will better inform humans about the content.
Notes are also a good section to be a little more colorful than you are with descriptions.
As in any other search engine optimization endeavor, a little bit goes a long way so the abuse of any of these tips could result in negative consequences for you and your web properties so be careful.
As long as you are optimizing your tags and content for human visitors first and foremost, you should be fine over the long haul with SEO.
To make matters worse, there is a lot of confusion surrounding how to utilize social media websites to benefit a search engine optimization campaign.
So let's take a look at five different ways you can aid your search engine optimization results through social media.
For starters, try optimizing the following pieces of social media content to contribute to your SEO campaign: 1.
Filenames -- be sure to include your primary keywords with in your filenames whenever possible.
Obviously, you don't want to go overboard with this but it is a good idea to include a keyword in your filenames instead of some random characters and numbers that make no sense.
After all, your content will likely be discovered quickest through search engines and filenames are one of the key things indexed within the search engine database.
Tags -- this probably seems rather obvious, but he will make sure that you include at least a few of your targeted keywords as tags where applicable.
This will help searchers find your content easier especially things like videos, photos, or podcasts.
Note: tags are very similar to the old keyword meta-tag in early search engine optimization days.
As more people abuse tags, the less weight they will carry search engines, but they have a value today.
Descriptions-- much like the description tag for a webpage, descriptions within social media survey similar purpose: to better inform searchers and visitors what the content is all about so be sure to include a keyword or two with in your descriptions where appropriate.
Anchor text -- when composing links to external sites (especially yours), it is a good idea to use descriptive text to describe the link (also known as anchor text).
A long drawn out website address doesn't serve a whole lot of good unless it uses descriptive keywords in the address space (not that common).
Therefore it is up to you to make sure that the text that you use to link to other sites and forms the would be visitor what the link is about.
Notes -- this is very similar to the description tag, but you can add notes for things such as photos, podcasts, documents, and videos that will better inform humans about the content.
Notes are also a good section to be a little more colorful than you are with descriptions.
As in any other search engine optimization endeavor, a little bit goes a long way so the abuse of any of these tips could result in negative consequences for you and your web properties so be careful.
As long as you are optimizing your tags and content for human visitors first and foremost, you should be fine over the long haul with SEO.