Disciplining Your Kids
If you ask parents if they enjoy dishing out discipline to their kids, the answer will always be "no" they do not enjoy it.
After all it makes them feel bad and of course it makes the kid feel bad.
You may be surprised at the attitude of some kids toward discipline.
When you have to discipline your kid they want to know and understand what they are doing wrong that caused them to be punished.
And as a parent, I am sure you think your kid understands what they did wrong and you don't need to explain it to them.
Most kids lack short term memory and most of the time they do not even remember what they did to get your negative reaction.
A yelling match and a spanking on the bottom without a lesson to be learned is nothing more than abuse, in my opinion.
The kids think it is the responsibility of the parents to explain to the kid why they are being disciplined.
I am sure the kids will argue that your explanation is stupid and they should not have been punished.
However, if you ask kids when they are calm and detached from punishment, they will tell you they want to know why their parents reacted the way they did by punishing them.
Kids want to know their boundaries.
When they overstep their boundaries and get disciplined, without a clear understanding as to why, the lesson is not learned and their unacceptable behavior will reoccur.
Kids said they do not mind being disciplined, although they clearly think spankings are extreme and not needed as long as they know the "why".
After all it makes them feel bad and of course it makes the kid feel bad.
You may be surprised at the attitude of some kids toward discipline.
When you have to discipline your kid they want to know and understand what they are doing wrong that caused them to be punished.
And as a parent, I am sure you think your kid understands what they did wrong and you don't need to explain it to them.
Most kids lack short term memory and most of the time they do not even remember what they did to get your negative reaction.
A yelling match and a spanking on the bottom without a lesson to be learned is nothing more than abuse, in my opinion.
The kids think it is the responsibility of the parents to explain to the kid why they are being disciplined.
I am sure the kids will argue that your explanation is stupid and they should not have been punished.
However, if you ask kids when they are calm and detached from punishment, they will tell you they want to know why their parents reacted the way they did by punishing them.
Kids want to know their boundaries.
When they overstep their boundaries and get disciplined, without a clear understanding as to why, the lesson is not learned and their unacceptable behavior will reoccur.
Kids said they do not mind being disciplined, although they clearly think spankings are extreme and not needed as long as they know the "why".