What Is the Difference Between Infared & Regular Lamps?
- Regular lamps are used almost exclusively as sources of light, both in private and professional settings. Before electric power, lamps burned oil or kerosene as fuel. Special lamps called signal lamps use light signals to communicate between ships at sea.
- Unlike regular lamps, infrared lamps are used to produce heat. They are often used in homes as personal heating units, especially in small spaces such as bedrooms and bathrooms. They can also be used to cook and brown food.
- Aside from their uses, another notable difference between infrared and regular lamps is the type of radiation they produce. Regular lamps produce light, or radiation with a wavelength that is visible to the human eye. Infrared radiation has a longer wavelength than light, limiting its visibility but allowing it to produce more heat.
Regular Lamps
Infrared Lamps
Types of Radiation