Home Remedies For Kidney Stones
Crystallized stones or calculi that form in either or both of your kidneys are called kidney stones.
Since the kidney's function is to filter your blood of waste, having a huge rock blocking the passageway will definitely and obviously bring in a lot of complications in your body.
Some of its symptoms, which would probably lay similar to that of the urinary tract infection include having blood in your urine, fevers, back pains and having pains in the other parts of the body like the abdomen.
There are various ways of making home remedies on dissolving stones.
Some of the Home remedies on dissolving kidney stones include intakes of vitamin C-which actually dissolves the kidney stones.
You can also try basil -which is consumed to expel the stones in your urinary tract, lemons and many more.
Apples, celeries and watermelons are also proven effective- celeries prevent stone formation while watermelons are considered as one of the best home remedy on dissolving kidney stones- and also kidney beans.
Some say that taking in tea is also effective, as the Chinese uses this as remedy for calculi.
All of these are quite helpful but as we all say and know, prevention is better than cure, especially when it comes to dealing with this problem.
You should lessen your intake of salt or salty foods and drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
A quick change in your diet may also be helpful, as changing you're your lifestyle for the better may do you and your body lot of good.
Since the kidney's function is to filter your blood of waste, having a huge rock blocking the passageway will definitely and obviously bring in a lot of complications in your body.
Some of its symptoms, which would probably lay similar to that of the urinary tract infection include having blood in your urine, fevers, back pains and having pains in the other parts of the body like the abdomen.
There are various ways of making home remedies on dissolving stones.
Some of the Home remedies on dissolving kidney stones include intakes of vitamin C-which actually dissolves the kidney stones.
You can also try basil -which is consumed to expel the stones in your urinary tract, lemons and many more.
Apples, celeries and watermelons are also proven effective- celeries prevent stone formation while watermelons are considered as one of the best home remedy on dissolving kidney stones- and also kidney beans.
Some say that taking in tea is also effective, as the Chinese uses this as remedy for calculi.
All of these are quite helpful but as we all say and know, prevention is better than cure, especially when it comes to dealing with this problem.
You should lessen your intake of salt or salty foods and drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
A quick change in your diet may also be helpful, as changing you're your lifestyle for the better may do you and your body lot of good.