Home Remedies for Athlete Foot
Athletes foot can literally drive you nuts at times. The more you scratch the itch, the worse it gets! Then it gets to the point that it starts burning and really becomes a pain. Often times you think you've got it whipped, only to have it return with a vengeance. So, here's some helpful home remedy for athletes foot tips to put an end to this nuisance for good.Athlete's foot or tinea pedis is skin infection that caused by pathogen fungi. Foot is more affect by fungi because they always wet and moist warm environment. Symptoms of athlete's foot are burning sensation, itching, redness, scaling, cracked and blistering. Athlete's food infection is difficult to cure and often recur. Home Remedies for Athlete Foot is a well-known, persistent ailment caused by fungal growth on the feet. This type of infection occurs when the highly contagious tinea pedis fungus contacts the skin. Often the most affected area of the foot is between the toes, where it is especially warm and moist; however, it may also spread to the rest of the foot. When athlete's foot fungus is given an opportunity to develop, it may first result in an itchy red rash, typically beginning between the fourth and fifth toe. If the infection is not remedied, the skin may become soft and extremely sensitive to the touch. In the most severe cases, the edges of the afflicted area will become white and the skin can peel away, creating a milky discharge.An athletes food remedy that is very popular is something that you can find in most any home and has a multitude of uses. White vinegar could be your greatest natural athletes foot remedy as it will work to kill off the fungus that has formed on your tootsies. To try this athletes foot remedy you simply soak your foot in a white vinegar bath for twenty to thirty minutes twice a day. Not only is it easy, it's a one hundred percent all-natural remedy that will cost you very little compared to some of the prescriptions that can be shoved your way. There are no known negative drug interactions associated with oregano oil. However, it is quickly absorbed and should be taken with food to prevent upset stomach and heartburn. Although oregano oil is much gentler than many chemical treatments for toenail fungus, it may irritate sensitive skin, especially around the eyes and should never be used on the skin at full strength. If using this volatile oil topically it should always be diluted with another pure vegetable oil. Before using this product it is wise to do an allergy test by swabbing some of the oil on the inner arm. If the skin becomes red, swollen, or itchy, do not use it on other parts of the body.Common symptoms are itching, redness and cracked or blistered skin between your toes. Athlete's foot can be a frustrating problem for many people. The itching is constant and your foot looks unattractive. Plus, you have to constantly be washing your hands because you are constantly touching your feet. Most doctors will recommend an over the counter cure but I have found these are not the best cure for athletes foot. The problem may go away for a while but it comes right back. and find information on http://www.getallD106/natural-home-remedies/home-remedies-for-athlete-foot.htm .