How to Track Patents in the US
- 1). Visit the United States Patent and Trademark office website at Read all about the patenting process, download paperwork and learn about the fees involved in patenting a product. You can file online, pay your fees or file an appeal if your patent has been rejected.
- 2). Click on the "Search" link to access the search options and patent databases. You will be taken to a page with links to various databases. Select "USPTO Patent Full-Text and Image Database" and perform a quick or advanced search. This will give you access to all patents filed since 1976. For information on older patents, use the TIFF search, which includes images of patents filed as far back as 1790. You will need a TIFF image reader plug-in for your browser to view this information. See the Resources section for system requirement information.
- 3). Enter your information into the search form. You can use the quick search to look for keywords relating to your patent. You can enter two search terms and specify where in the patent filing you wish them to appear, such as the abstract, title, inventor's name or city it was filed in. Use the Advanced Search features if you want to use a command line to search syntax and additional fields.
- 4). Click the "Search" button and view the results. Click on a result to read detailed descriptions of each patent to determine if they are similar to the one you want to file. You can also find out who files the patent and when.