Fathers Rights in Inland Empire, California
- California allows for both sole or joint custody, with joint custody (where the parents share responsibility for child development) being the norm. Fathers have the right to petition for child custody, and if the parties cannot come to an agreement, the court will award custody of a child to the parent who represents the best interests of the child, by making a fact-intensive examination of the parents' individual backgrounds and ability to provide a nurturing environment for the child.
- Fathers have the general right to reasonable child visitation. California courts prefer parents to come to an amicable agreement over visitation, and thus provide mediation for parents in an effort to come to a compromise, but has discretion to make visitation schedules. The court will typically create a visitation order that provides for one weekday evening and alternating weekends, along with an extended summer stay for the non-custodial parent. Holidays will alternate. Working with the mother will be the best way to make sure that any unique scheduling needs are satisfied.
- Custodial fathers are allowed to seek child support from non-custodial mothers, and if they are the non-custodial parent, are required to provide child support. Courts examine the total financial picture of the parents and the needs of the child in making child-support determinations, with a possible maximum contribution of 50 percent of gross income.
If you as the father have custody, you can ask a court to force a un-willing mother to help support your child. Courts have the discretion under Section 3558 to order a mother to attend job training, or work programs designed to assist her in obtaining a job if she continues to claim an inability to provide child support. - Section 3100-3105 of the California Family Code allows a court to limit visitation of a father that has been the subject of a protective order against the mother, or has been convicted of domestic violence. In these cases, the court may deny visitation, temporarily suspend visitation, or only allow supervised visitation in the protective presence of a third party.
Child Custody
Child Visitation
Child Support
Effect of Violence or Abuse